Select PK Submit > PC > Create PC Domain from the main menu.
This wizard allows you to import various input data files (concentration and dosing), perform data exclusions and add comments to data records, as well as configure an NCA.
The PC domain is created from a Master PC worksheet which is created and modified throughout the steps in this wizard. This worksheet contains concentration data from bioanalytical data sets, all PC domain variables, and additional variables needed for the NCA. At the end of this process, PK Submit will use this worksheet to create other worksheets/files in the Data folder:
Creating the PC Domain using the wizard involves the following tasks:
Select the concentration data files
Map the PC variables
Manually map variable to data column
Manually map data column to variable
Add data column as a new variable
Add ADSL and DM variables
Add expression-based columns
Data conversion
Special note about LLOQ
Sort the PC result worksheet
Filter the PC result worksheet
Identify NCA keys
Add new variable
Build or import dosing data
Exclude data
Add comments
Time deviation rules
Configure settings for NCA
Define partial areas
Set up accumulation ratio calculations
Set up metabolite to parent ratio calculations
Validation of PC domain creation
Last modified date:7/9/20
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