Build or import dosing data


  1. Select the Build Internal Worksheet radio button to populate the Dose Amount, Route, and Dose Unit columns using the data mapped into the DOSE_AMOUNT, Route, and DOSE_UNIT variables in the Master PC worksheet

  2. Or

  3. Select the Import EX.XPT radio button to populate the Route, Dose Date Time, Dose Amount, and Dose Unit columns with the data from the EX.XPT file, if the data from the file match the profile in the Dosing worksheet. Use the Browse button to select the file from the file system or use the Load from Data Folder button to select it from a Phoenix project’s Data Folder.

  4. If importing the data from EX.XPT file, select the Use EXDOSE for Dose Amount radio button to populate Dose Amount and Dose Unit columns using EX.EXDOSE and EX.EXDOSEU data in the file.


    Use the Enter Dose Amount Manually radio button to populate the Dose Amount and Dose Unit columns using data mapped into the DOSE_AMOUNT and DOSE_UNIT variables in the Master PC worksheet.

  5. A popup will display the number of Dose records imported.

  6. When applicable, enter the Dose Date Time, Infusion Duration, and TAU values manually into the Dosing worksheet.

Click the Data Wizard button at the bottom of the Dosing page to add expression-based columns of data to the Dosing Worksheet. See “Add expression-based columns” for more information.

Click Next to move to the Data Exclusion and Comments page.

A popup will warn if the PCRFTDTC column is not populated. If all Dose_Date_Time (PCRFTDTC) are not populated, the popup will display the number of Dose_Date_Time rows not populated/popu­lated.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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