Time deviation rules

By defining a time deviation rule, the user can identify sample data where the collection time deviated more than a specified tolerance of time. That tolerance can be set as a length of time or a percentage of time deviation. For example, in the following image, the default rule will flag any samples with a time deviation greater than or equal to 30 minutes or a percent time deviation greater than or equal to 10%. When a rule is broken, a flag is set in the DeviationRuleApplied column.


  1. From the Data Exclusions and Comments page, click Time Deviation Rules at the bottom of the page.

  2. Select the columns that contain the Sample Collection Date Time, Dosing Date Time, and Nominal Time data from the menus.

  3. If needed, click the right arrow circle button and type the format of the data in the Enter Date Time Format field (e.g., MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS).

  4. For each deviation (row), specify the following:
    Name: Enter a name for referring to the deviation rule.
    Lower: Check the Is Specified box to display tools for setting a lower nominal time limit.
    Upper: Check the Is Specified box to display tools for setting a upper nominal time limit.
    Rules: Enter an amount of time in the Deviation field and/or a percentage in the Percentage field with which to compare the sample time data.

  5. Use the Add Rule button at the bottom to add another row to the table.

Time deviation is computed as:

For amount of time deviation (reported in the Deviation PK column):
Sample_Collection_DateTime – (Dosing_DateTime + Nominal_Time)

For percentage of time deviation (reported in the Percent Deviation column):
[(Amount_of_Time_Deviation)/Nominal_Time] * 100

Last modified date:7/9/20
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