Set up metabolite to parent ratio calculations

  1. Click the Ratios button at the bottom of the NCA Configuration page.

  2. Select the Metabolite to Parent Ratios tab.

  3. metabolite2parentratios.png 

  4. Choose the PK parameters for the calculations by clicking one or more buttons on the left.

  5. Select the analyte to serve as the reference from the Reference Analyte menu.

  6. Select the Test occasion(s) to use in the ratio calculation by clicking one or more of the occasion buttons (there are none shown in the image above).

  7. Under Select Sort Keys, toggle the sort keys being used by clicking the buttons multiple times.
     The Master PC Worksheet will update as you change these keys, so you can immediately see the effects of switching sort keys. Changing the sort keys here does not affect the NCA sort keys.

    Use the Save button to save the selections to the table on the right.

Accumulation ratios are reported as MPAUCall, MPAUCINF, MPAUC(Start-End times), MPAUClast, MPAUCtau, MPCmax columns of data in the NCA Final PK Parameters worksheet.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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