Map the PC variables


The next page of the wizard provides the ability to map source data columns to PC domain variables and other columns useful for the NCA for each source file selected in the previous page of the wizard. Previously stored mappings are automatically populated from the SQLite database associated with each user profile.

  1. The first column in the top table lists the Standard PC domain variable names that can be mapped plus other essential variables. The variable names depend on whether SEND or SDTM was spec­ified on the first page of the wizard.

  2. An NCA button in a source data column cell indicates this variable is or can be designated as an NCA Sort variable.

  3. Click NCASelected.png to toggle between a selected Sort variable and NCAAvailable.png, an unselected, but potential, Sort variable. If the button does not switch to unselected, it means the Sort variable is required and cannot be unselected (e.g., USUBJID, PCTEST, PCSPEC). Sometimes there are multiple vari­ables that can be Sort variables, but they are mutually exclusive (e.g., VISITDY or PCDY can be used, but not both). In such cases, when one variable is selected as the Sort variable, the NCA button for the other variables changes to unselected.

  4. The remaining columns in the Map PC Variables table list the source data column name for each data source selected in the previous page of the wizard, one column per selected data source. If the source data file does not have the mapping for the PC domain variable, the cell is empty. If the empty cell is a required field, it will be highlighted in red.

  5. For variable or data source columns that have units, use the dropdown menu to select the unit.

The PC Result worksheet panel at the bottom of the page presents the contents of the Master PC worksheet based on the source data columns and the specified mappings. All required and expected SEND/SDTM columns (whether mapped or not) are displayed. Optional columns will be displayed only if they are mapped.

See also:

Manually map variable to data column
Manually map data column to variable
Add data column as a new variable
Add ADSL and DM variables
Add expression-based columns
Data conversion
Special note about LLOQ
Sort the PC result worksheet
Filter the PC result worksheet

Last modified date:7/9/20
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