Manually map variable to data column


  1. Click on the cell to be mapped.

  2. Select a source data column from the list.

  3. To unmap a source data column, click on the cell and select the blank area from the list.

  4. When multiple source data files are present, check the Apply to row box to apply the selected source data column to all cells in the row.

Note:PK Submit stores all manual mappings in the SQLite database. These mappings are applied auto­matically when using PK Submit in subsequent sessions. SQLite database mappings are stored for each user profile.

Manually map data column to variable


Any source data columns that are not mapped to a variable are listed at the bottom of the mapping table. (They are not included in the PC Result Worksheet table at the bottom of the page, however.)

  1. Scroll toward the bottom of the mapping table to find the unmapped columns

  2. Click the down arrow in the cell of the desired unmapped data column to view a list of unmapped variables.

  3.  When multiple source data files are present, click the Apply to row box to apply the mapping to all cells in the row.

  4. Select the variable to be mapped from the list.

The source data column cell will move to the row for the selected variable.

Note:If the study data has the urine volume and unit, you must map the urine volume to the column URINE_VOLUME and the urine volume unit to URINE_VOLUME_UNIT and PCEVLINT.

Add data column as a new variable


  1. Click the Left Arrow button next to the unmapped source data column name (unmapped data are listed at the bottom of the table) to create a new PC domain variable.

    The unmapped column name will move into the “Column” column and move up so that it is listed at the bottom of the mapped columns (you may have to scroll up to see it).

  2. Enter a new name, if desired.

  3. Use the X button to delete the variable and return the source data column to an unmapped state.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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