Sorting the columns in the results worksheet can be accomplished by simply clicking on the column header cell. Clicking the header multiple times will toggle between ascending and descending order. A sort direction indicator is shown in the header.
Click in the header.
In the popup, select Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A.
Filter the PC result worksheet
In the header of the column to be filtered, click .
The popup lists all values found in that column.
To search for values, begin typing the text in the Search field and the list in the popup will automatically be filtered as you type.
Use the check boxes in the list to control which rows are shown (checked boxes) or hidden (unchecked boxes) in the result worksheet. Use the (Select All) check box to check or uncheck all items in the list at the same time.
To define a filter criteria, click Right Arrow button next to Text Filters.
Use the dropdown menus to set the operators and value to set the criteria.
To include a second criteria, select the And or Or radio button and use the second set of dropdown menus to define the second criteria.
Click Next in the PC Mapping page to move to the NCA Keys Selection page.
PK Submit checks to make sure all of the required mapping is complete. If there are any issues, the mapping table will be highlighted with a red border. You cannot proceed until all of the mapping is completed correctly.
PK Submit will also check that the USUBJID values contain the STUDYID. If not, the system will ask to concatenate the STUDYID to the USUBJID as per CDISC standards.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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