Click in the DoseType cell and select one of the dose type from the menu (Extravascular, IV Bolus, IV Infusion) for each unique combination of analyte and route
Click in the Model Type cell and select the type from the menu (PLASMA (200-202) or URINE (210-212)) for each biological matrix.
From the Time column and Concentration column menus, select the variable to use.
For the SEND standard, check the Sparse NCA box to indicate that this is a sparse study when appropriate.
Note that the Sparse NCA box appears only if the SEND standard is selected.
In the Compute Concentrations at Times field, enter a comma-separated list of times at which the corresponding concentration is to be calculated.
For the SEND standard, check the Sparse NCA box to indicate that this is a sparse study when appropriate.
Note that the Sparse NCA box appears only if the SEND standard is selected.
The Terminology Mapping button can be used to set the mapping of the matrix to the CDISC code list. (See “Terminology mapping” for more details.)
The Partial Area button can be used to set up partial areas. (See “Define partial areas” for more details.)
The Ratios button can be used to “Set up accumulation ratio calculations” and “Set up metabolite to parent ratio calculations”.
When finished with the domain specifications, click the Submit button.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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