Create a Darwin search

To access Darwin Search interface in Pirana:

In the extensions pull-down, select drwn.


Select Models > New Model or use the shortcut keys Ctrl + N.

The options for a Darwin search are grouped into categories that are displayed in the hierarchical tree on the left side of the Darwin Search properties window. The options available within each category are described in the following sections.



Model template

Template extras


Downhill step properties




GA setup

Model cache

Custom options

Validation of entries in the Darwin Search properties window occurs on all of the pages. If there are any invalid fields, that field, as well as the page name in the tree on the left, will be highlighted in light red.

When the Save button is pressed, a .drwn zip file is created containing:

advan_table.csv: the ADVAN table which will be passed to the R script

advan_tree: ADVAM/covariate related information

data: all auxiliary information about the Darwin Search properties window settings

extra.json: information to assist with debugging.

options.json: options for the search (any run-related settings, such as: project_dir, nmfe_path, etc., are stored inside Darwin profiles)

template.txt: the template file

tokens.json: the token key-text pairs that re substituted into the template file.

version: version of pyDarwin

dataset file: Present if the Embed dataset into the search file option on the Template Extras page is checked.

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