Least-Squares Regression Models interface
Least-Squares Regression Models Results
Nonlinear Regression Overview
Least-Squares Regression Model calculations
Least-Squares Regression models include the following. Many of the models can be run using the NLME engine (even if you do not have an NLME license). This is done by setting up a Maximum Likelihood Models object for individual modeling and using the Set WNL Model button to select the model. See “PK model options” in the Phoenix NLME documentation for more information. Refer to “An example of individual modeling with Maximum Likelihood Model object” for an illustration of how a dataset can be fitted to a two-compartment model with first-order absorption in the pharmacokinetic model library using either the Least-Squares Regression PK Model or a Maximum Likelihood Model object GUI.
Choose from Hill, Weibull, Double Weibull, or Makoid-Banakar dissolution models.
Indirect Pharmacodynamic Response Models
Four basic models have been developed for characterizing indirect pharmacodynamic responses after drug administration. These models are based on the effects (inhibition or stimulation) that drugs have on the factors controlling either the input or the dissipation of drug response. See “Indirect Response models” for more details.
Phoenix includes a selection of models that are linear in the parameters. See “Linear models” for more details on available models. Refer to “Linear Mixed Effects” for more sophisticated linear models.
Phoenix’s Michaelis-Menten models are one-compartment models with intravenous or 1st order absorption, and can be used with or without a lag time to the start of absorption. For more on Phoenix’s Michaelis-Menten models, see “Michaelis-Menten models”. Information on required constants is available in “Dosing constants for the Michaelis-Menten model”.
Phoenix includes a library of eight pharmacodynamic (PD) models. The PD models include simple and sigmoidal Emax models, and inhibitory effect models. For more on Phoenix’s PD models, see “Pharmacodynamic models”.
Phoenix includes a library of nineteen pharmacokinetic (PK) models. The PK models are one to three compartment models with intravenous or first-order absorption, and can be used with or without a lag time to the start of absorption. For more on Phoenix’s PK models, see “Pharmacokinetic models”. See also the “PK model examples”.
When pharmacological effects are seen immediately and are directly related to the drug concentration, a pharmacodynamic model is applied to characterize the relationship between drug concentrations and effect. When the pharmacologic response takes time to develop and the observed response is not directly related to plasma concentrations of the drug a linked model is usually applied to relate the pharmacokinetics of the drug to its pharmacodynamics.
The PK/PD linked models can use any combination of Phoenix’s Pharmacokinetic models and Pharmacodynamic models. The PK model is used to predict concentrations, and these concentrations are then used as input to the PD model. This means that the PK data are not modeled, so the linked PK/PD models treat the pharmacokinetic parameters as fixed, and generate concentrations at the effect site to be used by the PD model. Model parameter information is required for the PK model in order to simulate the concentration data. Refer to “PD output parameters in a PK/PD model” for parameter details.
Phoenix does not support the creation of ASCII models. ASCII models have been deprecated in favor of the Phoenix Modeling Language (PML). However, users can still import and run legacy WinNonlin ASCII models. For more on PML, see “Phoenix Modeling Language”. Refer to “ASCII Model dosing constants” for details on required constants.
Note:There can be a loss of accuracy in Least-Squares Regression Modeling univariate confidence intervals for small sample sizes (NDF < 5). The Univariate CIs in use an approximation for the t-value which is very accurate when the degrees of freedom is at least five, but loses accuracy as the degrees of freedom approaches one. The degrees of freedom are the number of observations minus the number of parameters being estimated (not counting parameters that are within the singularity tolerance, i.e., nearly completely correlated).
Note:In extremely rare instances, the nonlinear modeling core computational engine may get into an infinite loop during the minimization process. This infinite looping will cause Phoenix to “hang” and the application must be shutdown using the Task Manager. The process wnlpk32.exe may also need to be shutdown. The problem typically occurs when the parameter space in which the program is working within is very flat. To work around the problem, it is first suggested that the user change the minimization algorithm found on the Engine Settings tab to Nelder-Mead and retry the problem. If this fails to correct the problem, varying the initial estimates and/or using bounds on the parameters may allow processing to complete as expected.
Last modified date:7/9/20
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