Linear Mixed Effects

The Linear Mixed Effects operational object (LinMix) is a statistical analysis system for analysis of variance for crossover and parallel studies, including unbalanced designs. It can analyze regression and covariance models, and can calculate both sequential and partial tests. LinMix is discussed in the following sections.

Use one of the following to add the object to a Workflow:

Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > Computation Tools > Linear Mixed Effects.
Main menu: Insert > Computation Tools > Linear Mixed Effects.
Right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > Computation Tools > Linear Mixed Effects.

Note:To view the object in its own window, select it in the Object Browser and double-click it or press ENTER. All instructions for setting up and execution are the same whether the object is viewed in its own window or in Phoenix view.

User interface description
General linear mixed effects model
Linear mixed effects computations
Linear mixed effects model examples

User interface description

Main Mappings panel
Fixed Effects tab
Variance Structure tab
Random 1 and Repeated tabs
Contrasts tab
Contrast # 1 tab
Estimates tab
Estimate # 1 tab
Least Squares Means tab
General Options tab

Main Mappings panel

Use the Main Mappings panel to identify how input variables are used in a linear mixed effects model. A separate analysis is performed for each profile. Required input is highlighted orange in the inter­face.

None: Data types mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.

Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID and treatment. A separate analysis is done for each unique combination of sort variable values. If a sort variable has missing values, then the analysis is performed for the missing level and MISSING is printed as the sort variable value.

Classification: Classification variables or factors that are categorical independent variables, such as formulation, treatment, and gender.

Regressors: Regressor variables or covariates that are continuous independent variables, such as temperature or body weight. The regressor variable can also be used to weight the dataset.

Dependent: The dependent variable, such as drug concentration, that provides the values used to fit the model.

For information on variable naming constraints and data limits, see “Data limits and constraints” in the Bioequivalence section.

Note:Be sure to finalize column names in your input data before sending the data to the Linear Mixed Effects object. Changing names after the object is set up can cause the execution to fail.

Fixed Effects tab

The Fixed Effects tab allows users to specify settings for study variables used in linear mixed effects model. The Model Specification field is used to categorize variables in a dataset for the linear mixed effects model. For more on fixed effects in the linear mixed effects model, see “Fixed effects”.


Parentheses in the model specification represent nesting of model terms.

Seq+Subject(Seq)+Period+Treatment is a valid use of parentheses and indicates that Subject is nested within Seq.

Drug+Disease+(Drug*Disease) is not a valid use of parentheses in the model speci­fication.

The weights for each record must be included in a separate column in the dataset.

Weight variables are used to compensate for observations having different variances.

When a weight variable is specified, each row of data is multiplied by the square root of the corresponding weight.

Weight variable values should be proportional to the reciprocals of the variances. Typically, the data are averages and weights are sample sizes associated with the averages.

The Weight variable cannot be a classification variable. It must be declared as a regressor/covariate before it can be used as a weight variable. It can also be used in the model.

Ln(x): Linear transformation
Log10(x): Logarithmic base 10 transformation

Variance Structure tab

The Variance Structure tab allows users to set random effects and the repeated specification for the linear mixed effects model. Users can also set traditional variance components and random coeffi­cients.


Users can specify none, one, or multiple random effects. The random effects specify Z and the corre­sponding elements of G=Var(g). Users can specify only one repeated effect. The repeated effect specifies the R=Var(e).

For more on variance structures in the linear mixed effects model, see “Variance structure”.

Random 1 and Repeated tabs

The Random 1 tab is used to add random effects to the model. The random effects are built using the classification variables, the regressors/covariates variables, and the operator buttons.

The Repeated tab is used to specify the R matrix in the mixed model. The Repeated tab is also used to specify covariance structures for repeated measurements on subjects. If no repeated statement is specified, R is assumed to be equal to s2I. The repeated effect must contain only classification vari­ables.

Caution:The same variable cannot be used in both the fixed effects specification and the random effects specification unless it is used differently, such as part of a product. The same term (single vari­ables, products, or nested variables) must not appear in both specifications.

This Variance Blocking Variables (Subject) field is optional and, if specified, must be a classifica­tion model term built from items in the Classification Variables box. This field is used to identify the subjects in a dataset. Complete independence is assumed among subjects, so the subject variable produces a block diagonal structure with identical blocks.

This Group field is also optional and, if specified, must be a classification model term built from items in the Classification Variables box. It defines an effect specifying heterogeneity in the covariance structure. All observations having the same level of the group effect have the same covariance parameters. Each new level of the group effect produces a new set of covariance parameters with the same structure as the original group.

If Banded Unstructured (b), Banded No-Diagonal Factor Analytic (f), or Banded Toeplitz (b) is selected, type the number of bands in the Number of bands(b) field (default is 2).

The number of factors or bands corresponds to the dimension parameter. For some covariance structure types this is the number of bands and for others it is the number of factors.

For explanations of covariance structure types, see “Covariance structure types in the Linear Mixed Effects object”.

Contrasts tab

The Contrasts tab provides a mechanism for creating custom hypothesis tests. For example, users can compare different treatments or treatment combinations to see if the mean values are the same. Contrasts can only be computed using the fixed effect model terms set in the Model Specification field. For more on contrasts in the linear mixed effects model, see “Contrasts”.

The Fixed Effects Model Terms box lists all the fixed effect model terms specified in the Fixed Effects tab. Users can drag a term from the Fixed Effect Model Terms box to the Effect field to com­pute the contrasts for that term.

The conditions for using model terms as effect variables are:

Contrast # 1 tab

Caution:The coefficients for contrasts must sum to zero.

Add extra columns to enter multiple coefficients for each model term in the contrast.

Caution:Only select the User specified degrees of freedom option if the Phoenix engine does not seem to use the appropriate choices for the degrees of freedom.

Note:The Univariate Confidence Intervals use an approximation for the t-value that is very accurate when the degrees of freedom value is at least five, but loses accuracy as the degrees of freedom value approaches one. The degrees of freedom are the number of observations minus the number of parameters being estimated (not counting parameters that are within the singularity tolerance, i.e., nearly completely correlated).

Estimates tab

The Estimates tab provides a mechanism for creating custom hypothesis tests. Estimates can only be computed using the fixed effect model terms set in the Model Specification field. Since the Estimates tab produces estimates instead of contrasts, the coefficients do not have to sum to zero and more than one model term can be added to the Effect field. The marginal interval is generated for each esti­mate.


For more on estimates in the linear mixed effects model, see “Estimates”.

The Fixed Effects Model Terms box lists all the fixed effect model terms specified in the Fixed Effects tab. Users can drag a term from the Fixed Effect Model Terms box to the Effect field to com­pute the estimates for that term. The conditions for using model terms as effect variables are:

Interaction terms and nested terms can be used if they are used in the model.

If the fixed effects model includes an intercept, which is the default setting, then the intercept can be used to produce an estimate.

If the intercept term is used as an effect for an estimate it works like a regressor, which means only one coefficient value is used for the intercept.

Estimate # 1 tab

Multiple model terms can be dragged from the Fixed Effect Model Terms box to the Effect field.

To remove a model term, use the pointer to drag a model term from the Effect field back to the Fixed Effects Model Terms box.

Caution:Only select the User specified degrees of freedom option if the Phoenix engine does not seem to use the appropriate choices for the degrees of freedom.

Least Squares Means tab

Least squares means are generalized least-squares means of the fixed effects. They are estimates of what the mean values would have been had the data been balanced, which means these are the means predicted by the ANOVA model. If a dataset is balanced, the least squares means will be iden­tical to the raw, or observed, means. Least Squares Means can be computed for any classification model term.


For more on least squares means in the linear mixed effects model, see “Least squares means”.

General Options tab

The General Options tab is used to set output and calculation options for a linear mixed effects model.


 Residual: The same as the calculation method used in a purely fixed effects model
Satterthwaite: The default setting and computes the df base on c2 approximation to distribution of variance.

not estimable

0 (zero)

Note:The Generate initial variance parameters option is available only if the model uses random effects.

Highlight the row(s).

Select Edit >> Delete from the menubar or click X in the main toolbar.

Click the Selected Row(s) option button and click OK.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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