Integral Introduction

The ability to analyze and manage pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) data from a variety of sources in a centralized, systematic, and organized manner is increasingly important as pharmaceutical scientists attempt to process and analyze data from early stage drug development and apply that information in the later stages of clinical testing. Added to this need are growing demands for regulatory compliance to Food and Drug Agency guidelines with respect to the way drug development data are collected and submitted for review.

Integral is a secure central repository for PK/PD and related data such as demographics and covariate information, as well as modeling and analysis files from other tools, with the resulting output data, images, and reports. Integral supports the use of Certara tools as part of an improved decision-making process within the pharmaceutical development organization. The system can manage and provide effective access to data across a diverse set of compounds and development phases to support an improved, information-driven decision process during drug development.

Integral enables users to capture essential data from internal studies as well as publicly available information. With this information, users can build models of drug, disease, and subject interactions useful for clinical trial design. Integral enables members of the clinical development team, including biostatisticians, clinical pharmacologists, physicians, and trial designers, to communicate using the language of drug models and clinical trial simulation.

The Integral application is compatible with Firefox version 77 or greater, Chrome version 83 or greater, Microsoft Edge version 83 or greater.

Note:    On the login page, if you are unable to see the “Need help signing in” option, you may need to adjust your font size or display resolution.

After entering your log in credentials, if you are returned to the same login page, verify that your browser settings allow cookies to be saved and read.

User Interface Description

Working with Folders

Working with Files

Copy and Link

Controlling Notifications

Folder Types

Property Types

File Types

Auditing Changes to Integral Data

Database Security


An Integral plugin for Phoenix is available for synchronizing Phoenix projects with data stored in the Integral application. see “Integral Plugin” for more information.

An Integral client application is available for synchronizing local data with data stored in the Integral application. see “Integral Client Application” for more information.

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