Models found in the project are listed in the model overview area, below the folders. By default, the models are ordered by run number. It is advised, but not mandatory, that models are named as a number (e.g., 001.mmdl), or prepended with run (e.g., run1.mod or run001.mod). If you are working with NONMEM models, refer to “NONMEM template control file syntax” for additional NONMEM-specific information.
When models are double-clicked, the model is opened in the code-editor (if an editor is specified in the Software integration Extensions sub-tab in the Settings dialog or in Pirana’s built-in NM-TRAN editor.
The list of models in the overview area can be managed in the following ways:
– Condensed versus expanded mode
– Change the columns displayed
– Identify models and results by color
Pirana also provides functionality for performing the following model file tasks:
– Duplicate model files
(for NLME, click “Duplicate models”; for NONMEM, click “Duplicate models”)
– Attach folders to selected model
– Rename model file
(for NLME, click “Rename an NLME model file”; for NONMEM, click “Rename a NONMEM model file”)
– View difference with reference model