Maximum Likelihood Models examples

Variations in models using Theophylline data

Variations in models using Phenobarbital data

Variations in Emax models

Fitting PK and PD data and using a simulation run

Variations in models using Propofol data

Logistic regression modeling in Phoenix

Graphically create a peripheral elimination model

Model using log concentration values (Lyon dataset)

Two dose point model example

Covariate modeling with the PK01 dataset

Using a linked indirect response model

Simple PK population analysis using QRPEM

Three category multinomial model with a covariate

Exploring Statements for Event - Count - LL

Individual modeling example

Modeling circadian rhythm example

Completed projects for most of these examples are available for reference in …\Examples\NLME. You can save a copy of the Examples directory (installed with Phoenix) to your Phoenix project directory via the Project Settings in the Phoenix Preferences dialog.

Within this directory there are other projects that illustrate one or more aspects of modeling with the Phoenix NLME engines:

QRPEM_with_time_varying_covariate.phxproj shows how to structure a QRPEM model with time-varying covariates so that QRPEM can run it.

Remifen.phxproj uses a more complex well-known model that uses nonlinear covariates (Minto, Charles F., et al., Anesthesiology, January 1997, 86(1): 10–23. Clinical Investigation). This model is restructured so that it can be solved with QRPEM.

Most Phoenix objects require the same basic steps for their use. However, there may be multiple paths to accomplishing a step (e.g., main menu, right-click menu, drag-and-drop, etc.).

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