
The Loo-Riegelman object is a two-compartment IV-bolus model that uses deconvolution to estimate the fraction of drug absorption. The model also generates AUCs (Areas Under the Curve) and rate of absorption values. This deconvolution model is best used to calculate the absorption kinetics of intra­venously administered drugs.

For drugs that are administered through methods other than IV-bolus, such as oral or transdermal methods, it is preferable to use the Deconvolution object to evaluate drug release and absorption. For more information on the Deconvolution object, see “Deconvolution”.

Use one of the following to add the object to a Workflow:

Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > IVIVC > Loo-Riegelman.
Main menu: Insert > IVIVC > Loo-Riegelman.
Right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > IVIVC > Loo-Riegelman.

Note:To view the object in its own window, select it in the Object Browser and double-click it or press ENTER. All instructions for setting up and execution are the same whether the object is viewed in its own window or in Phoenix view.

This section contains the following topics:

Loo-Riegelman inputs and calculations
Main panel
Dosing panel
Slopes Selector panel
Slopes panel
Parameters panel
Options tab
Plots tab

Loo-Riegelman inputs and calculations

Like Wagner-Nelson, the Loo-Riegelman method estimates the fraction of drug absorbed as a func­tion of time, relative to the total amount to be absorbed, following the method described in Gibaldi and Perrier (1975) pages 136 to 142. It computes AUC values for each time point in the time-concentra­tion dataset, as in Wagner-Nelson. For Loo-Riegelman, estimates for K10, K12, and K21 must be pro­vided, as may be obtained by running Least-Squares Regression PK model 7 on separate IV data.

Note:Loo-Riegelman computations assume single-dose PK data with a concentration value of zero at dose time. If no concentration value exists at dose time, a value of zero is used.

The value of AUCINF (AUC¥) may be user-specified or can be computed as for non-compartmental analysis:


Either the observed or predicted value for Clast, where Clast_pred=exp(intercept – Lambda_z*tlast) can be used. As in the Wagner-Nelson method, the method for computing Lambda Z is specified by the user: best fit, user-specified range, or user-specified value. An intercept for the last case can be entered by the user. If the intercept is not specified, it will be computed using the last positive concen­tration and associated time value:

intercept=Lambda_z * tlast+ln(Clast)

Note that the Loo-Riegelman method uses Lambda Z only to compute AUC¥; it uses the intercept only to compute Clast_pred.

The cumulative amount absorbed at time t, normalized by the central compartment volume V1, is:

Cumul_Amt_Abs_V(t)=Conc(t)+K10 * AUC(t)+Amt_Peripheral_V(t)

The amount in the peripheral compartment at time t, normalized by V1, is computed sequentially as:

Amt_Peripheral_V(t)=(Prior_Amt_Peripheral_V) * exp(–K21* dt)
+ (K12 * Prior_Conc/K21) * (1 – exp(–K21* dt)
+ (K12 * dt * dConc/2)5

See Gibaldi and Perrier (1975) pages 138–139 for the derivation of this equation.

Cumul_Amt_Abs_V at time infinity is:

Cumul_Amt_Abs_V(inf)=K10 * AUC¥ 

The fraction absorbed at time t is computed as:


Data points with a missing value for either time or the concentration will be excluded from the analysis and will not appear in the output.

Main panel

Use the Main panel to identify how input variables are used in the object. Required input is highlighted orange in the interface.

None: Data types mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.
Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID.
Carry: Data variable(s) to include in the output worksheets.
X: Nominal or actual time collection points in a study.
Y: Drug concentration values from blood plasma.

Dosing panel

Note:If no concentration value exists at dose time for a given profile, Phoenix inserts a concentration value of zero at the specified dose time.

Note:The time units for the dosing data must be the same as the time units for the time/concentration data.

None: Data types mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.
Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID.
Time of Last Dose: Time of the last dose administration.

Dosing sorts dialog

The first time a user selects the Dosing panel Phoenix displays a dialog that prompts the user to select the sort variables to use to create the internal dosing worksheet. This dialog is only displayed if sort keys are selected.


The Dosing sorts dialog uses the sort variables specified in the Main Mappings panel. By default all sort variables are selected.

Slopes Selector panel

Phoenix tries to estimate the rate constant Lambda Z, which is associated with the terminal elimina­tion phase for concentration data. These measurements are estimated using the linear or the linear-log trapezoidal rules, which are selected in the Calculation Method menu in the Options tab. If Lambda Z is estimable, parameters for concentration data are extrapolated to infinity.

The following section contains usage instructions. For descriptions of how the Loo-Riegelman model determines Lambda Z or slope estimation settings, see “Lambda Z or Slope Estimation settings”.

If the observation data does not extend significantly into the terminal phase, then selecting Observed in the Area Under the Curve menu can cause the model to significantly underestimate the actual AUCINF. For example, if the absorption phase was not completed, then scaling errors can occur when Phoenix computes the fraction absorbed.

Define the Lambda Z or slope estimation settings:

If Best Fit is selected, Phoenix calculates the points for Lambda Z estimation for each profile.

If Time Range is selected users must type the start and end times for Lambda Z estimation in the Start and End fields.

If Parameters is selected users can type their own values in the Lambda Z and Intercept fields. Intercept values are optional, so if no intercept value is entered, Phoenix computes it as: inter­cept = Lambda_z(tlast) + ln(Clast)

Since no specific points are used in the Lambda Z computation, the Lambda Z output in the Results tab will contain predicted and residual values for all time and concentration values. Any start times, end times, Lambda Z values, and intercept values must be greater than zero.

If Observed is selected, then Phoenix calculates the AUC as AUC¥=AUClast+Clast/Lambda_z, where Clast is the last observed concentration.

If Predicted is selected, then Phoenix calculates the area under the curve (AUC) as AUC¥=AUClast+Clast/Lambda_z, where Clast is the last predicted concentration.

If Specified is selected, then users can type a value for the AUC in the specified values field. The AUC value must be greater than zero.

Caution:If Specified is selected in the Area Under the Curve menu, then any user-specified Lambda Z Calculation Method settings are not applied to the Loo-Riegelman model results.

Set start times, end times, and exclusions:

Users can manually select start times, end times, and excluded time points by selecting them on each profile graph.

Note:Manually selecting times and exclusions automatically sets the Lambda Z Calculation Method to Time Range.

When the start time, end time, and exclusions are manually selected, the graph title is updated to show the new R2 calculation, the graph is updated to show the new slope, and the legend is updated to show the new slope and exclusions, as shown below.


Manually selected start, end, and excluded time points for the first profile

Note:Excluded data points apply only to Lambda Z or slope calculations. The excluded data points are still included in the computation of AUCs, moments, etc.

Slopes panel

In the Slopes panel, users can enter the start times, end times, and exclusions used to calculate the Lambda Z for each profile defined in the Slopes panel. Users can also enter AUC¥ values, select the AUC computation method, enter Lambda Z and intercept values, and select the Lambda Z calculation method.

Users can type their own values and select calculation methods in the Slopes panel. The following section contains usage instructions. For descriptions of how the Loo-Riegelman model determines Lambda Z or slope estimation settings, see “Lambda Z or Slope Estimation settings”.

Define slopes and select calculation methods:

Apply slope and calculation settings to multiple profiles:


Use the following instructions to copy the same settings from one profile to another.


Sort variable(s): Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID. Selected sort variables in the Main Mappings panel are used as default column headings. In the previous image, Subj is the sort variable.
Start Time: Users must type times for Lambda Z estimation in the Start and End fields.
End Time: Users must type the times for Lambda Z estimation in the Start and End fields.
Exclusions: Excluded data points in the plots.
AUCINF: User-specified AUCINF values. The values must be greater than zero.
AUC Method: Select a method to use to calculate the AUC to time=infinity.
LambdaZ: Users can type their own values in the LambdaZ and Intercept fields. Intercept val­ues are optional, so if no intercept value is entered, Phoenix computes it as: intercept = Lamb­da_z(tlast) + ln(Clast)
Intercept: Y-intercept value. Entering this value is optional.
Fit Method: Select Best Fit, Time Range, or Parameters as the Lambda Z calculation method.

Parameters panel

The Loo-Riegelman method requires initial estimates for the model parameters describing the two-compartment model that fits the IV data. Parameter estimates can be obtained by using PK model 7 to evaluate the data prior to using the Loo-Riegelman object. The use external worksheet option is selected by default in the Parameters panel. All K (fractional rate constant) values must be greater than zero.

None: Data types mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.
Subj/Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles, such as subject ID. The sort variables selected in the Main Mappings panel are used as default column headings.
K10: Fractional rate constant for the central compartment.
K12: Fractional rate constant for the flow between the central compartment and a peripheral com­partment.
K21: Fractional rate constant for the flow between the peripheral compartment and a central com­partment.

Use the Rebuild button to reset the internal worksheet to its default state. The Parameters sorts dia­log is displayed when Rebuild is clicked.

Parameters sorts dialog

The first time a user selects the Parameters panel Phoenix displays a dialog that prompts the user to select the sort variables to use to create the internal dosing worksheet. This dialog is only displayed if sort keys are selected.

The Parameters sorts dialog uses the sort variables specified in the Main Mappings panel. By default all sort variables are selected.

Options tab

The Options tab allows users to select the Loo-Riegelman model and set options for the selected model.


Note:The relative proportions of the weights are important, not the weights themselves. See “Weighting” in the NCA section for more on weighting schemes.

When selecting a weighting model, there are a couple of rules to consider:

If User Defined is selected then users can enter their own Observed to Power N value. The value of N must be typed in the Weighting text field.

When a log-linear fit is done (Uniform weighting for Lambda Z), then the fit is implicitly using a weighting approximately equal to 1/Yhat2.

Note:If 1/Y and the Linear Log Trapezoidal calculation method are selected, a user could assume that the weighting scheme is 1/LogY, rather than 1/Y. However, this is not the case because concentra­tions between zero and one would have negative weights, and could not be included in the analy­sis.

Linear_Log_Trapezoidal: uses the log trapezoidal rule after Cmax, or after C0 if C0 > Cmax. Otherwise the linear trapezoidal rule is used. If Cmax is not unique, then the first maximum is used. This method uses linear trapezoids before Tmax and log trapezoids after Tmax.

Linear_Trapezoidal_Linear_Interpolation: This is the default method. It applies the linear trap­ezoidal rule to each pair of consecutive points in the dataset that have non-missing values, and sums up these areas. This method uses linear trapezoids before and after Tmax.

Linear_Up_Log_Down: uses the linear trapezoidal rule any time that the concentration data is increasing, and the logarithmic trapezoidal rule is used any time that the concentration data is decreasing. This method uses linear trapezoids up and logarithmic trapezoids down before Tmax and linear trapezoids up and logarithmic trapezoids down after Tmax.

Linear_Trapezoidal_LinearLog_Interpolation: this method is the same as Linear_Trapezoi­dal_Linear_Interpolation. It is used when a final time point, that is not in the dataset, is used for predictions. In that case, Phoenix inserts a final concentration value using the Linear_Trapezoi­dal_Linear_Interpolation rule. The Linear_Trapezoidal_LinearLog Interpolation rule is used if the final time point is after Cmax, or after C0 if C0 > Cmax. If Cmax is not unique, then the first maxi­mum is used. This method uses linear trapezoids before and after Tmax.

Note:The Linear Log Trapezoidal, the Linear Up Log Down, and the Linear Trapezoidal Linear/Log Interpolation methods all apply the same exceptions in area calculation and interpolation. If a Y value (concentration, rate, or effect) is less than or equal to zero, Phoenix defaults to the linear trapezoidal or linear interpolation rule for that point. If adjacent Y values are equal to each other, Phoenix defaults to the linear trapezoidal or linear interpolation rule.
No interpolation is performed in the Loo-Riegelman model.

To set the dosing unit:

Plots tab

In the Plots tab, users can select whether or not to produce plot output.




Rsq: Goodness of fit statistic for the terminal elimination phase.
Rsq_adjusted: Goodness of fit statistic for the terminal elimination phase, adjusted for the num­ber of points used in the estimation of Lambda Z.
Lambda_z: First-order rate constant associated with the terminal (log-linear) portion of the curve.
Estimated by linear regression of time vs. log concentration.
No_points_lambda_z: Number of points used in computing Lambda Z.
If Lambda Z is not estimable, then no points are used.


Text File 

Users can double-click a plot in the Results tab to edit it. (See the menu options descriptions in the Plots chapter of the Data Tools and Plots Guide for plot editing options.)

Last modified date:7/9/20
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