Partial area calculation

Linear trapezoidal rule



Logarithmic trapezoidal rule



where dt is (t2 – t1).

Note:If the logarithmic trapezoidal rule fails in an interval because C1 <= 0, C2 <= 0, or C1=C2, then the linear trapezoidal rule will apply for that interval.

Linear interpolation rule (to find C* at time t* for t1 < t* < t2)


Logarithmic interpolation rule


Note:If the logarithmic interpolation rule fails in an interval because C1 <= 0 or C2 <= 0, then the linear interpolation rule will apply for that interval.

Extrapolation (to find C* after the last numeric observation)

Additional rules for plasma and urine models

The following additional rules apply for plasma and urine models (not model 220 for Drug Effect):

Y = exp(Lambda_z_intercept – Lambda_z(t))
  = [exp(Lambda_z_intercept – Lambda_z(tlast))]
     [exp(–Lambda_z(t – tlast))]
  = (predictedConcAtTlast)exp(–Lambda_z(t – tlast))

The values Lambda_z_intercept and Lambda_z are those values found during the regression for Lambda Z. Note that a last observation of zero will be used for linear interpolation, i.e., this rule does not apply prior to a last observation of zero.

The end time for the partial area must be greater than the start time. Both the start and end time for the partial area must be at or after the dosing time.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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