Phoenix is based on a modular framework, which results in a flexible and robust application platform for future expansion, promotes interchangeability between major and minor system components, and permits development of new, specialized tools through the use of the Phoenix API (Application Programming Interface). Contact Certara Support for information on contracting with Certara to use the API.
This type of architecture is called a plug-in architecture because you can add and remove plug-ins (referred to in Phoenix as operational objects) without affecting the core application. The Phoenix core application itself does not carry out any useful analytic tasks. It requires operational objects in order to perform any meaningful analysis. Each object provides a specific function. Descriptive statistics, noncompartmental analysis, and linear mixed effects modeling are all operational objects created for use with the Phoenix platform.
Phoenix allows you to work in an MDI (Multiple Document Interface) or an SDI (Single Document Interface) environment. Workflows, operational objects, and datasets can be opened in their own window separate from the main Phoenix interface, or you can choose to work completely within the Phoenix user interface.
When using Phoenix, you will create projects that consist of one or more workflows of connected operational objects. For details on these concepts see:
Phoenix workflows
Workflow template
Operational objects
Last modified date:7/9/20
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