Predefined Folder Types

The predefined folder structure in Integral is described in this section. It is important to remember that Integral is very flexible and that a very large percentage of the folder structure is customizable.

There are two predefined, top-level folder structures:

Study - Set up for storing all information for a particular study, e.g., a clinical study. The study may be centered around a client, an indication, a study type, a study design, a compound, a therapeutic area, a group (team) of Integral users, a program, a phase, or a portfolio.


Library - As a top-level folder, this folder type could be used to store templates, reports, code files, graphics, or documents that might be used by multiple projects or studies.


Folder properties are set when adding or editing a folder. (See “Add a top-level folder” and “Edit properties of a folder”.) They are used when setting up permission rules to identify the people who can access the folder and what they can do with the information in the folder. (See “Manage group rules”.)

Note:    Two additional folder types have been designed to help PKS users move between PKS and Integral by keeping the same folder structure as PKS: Legacy Study and Legacy Library. If you have the legacy PKS plugin, you can continue to use it to update data and scenarios. Any changes made through the PKS plugin will be synced with the information in Integral. However, the reverse situation is not true. Change made through Integral will not be synced to PKS.

PKS scenarios can be opened in Phoenix through the Integral plugin by going to the corresponding project and loading the desired scenario. Phoenix will open the scenario as a project. Note that a new version of the scenario cannot be saved, but it can be saved as a new project in Integral. (Right-click the scenario in the Object Browser and select Save to New Project in Integral.)

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