Bioequivalence Object

Defined as relative bioavailability, bioequivalence involves comparison between test and reference drug products, where the test and reference products can vary, depending upon the comparison to be performed. Although bioavailability and bioequivalence are closely related, bioequivalence comparisons rely on a criterion, a predetermined bioequivalence limit, and calculation of an interval for that criterion.

Use one of the following to add the object to a Workflow:

Right-click menu for a Workflow object: New > Computation Tools >.

Main menu: Insert > Computation Tools >.

Right-click menu for a worksheet: Send To > Computation Tools >.

To view the object in its own window, select it in the Object Browser and double-click it or press ENTER. All instructions for setting up and execution are the same whether the object is viewed in its own window or in Phoenix view.

This section contains information on the following topics:

Bioequivalence user interface description


Bioequivalence overview

Covariance structure types

Data limits and constraints

Average bioequivalence study designs

Population and individual bioequivalence

Warnings and errors

References for Bioequivalence

Bioequivalence model examples

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