Warnings and errors

The following messages may be displayed during the bioequivalence run.

11001 — Memory allocation error. Could be caused by insufficient memory in the system.

11002 – 11025 — Internal error during calculations. Contact Certara Support.

11050, 11051 — Internal parsing error. Contact Certara Support.

11060 — Corrupted data set. There are errors in the data set file that cause it to be unusable by the application.

11061 — Input data is not rectangular, where rows represent records (observations) and columns represent features/variables.

11062 — Too many levels of a classification variable. Try combining levels to reduce the number.

11063 — Character variables in models must be class variables.

11064 — Weight variable must be numeric.

11065 — The residual variance is not modeled. Try random instead of repeated.

11066 — There are no degrees of freedom for residual. Try the Satterthwaite option.

11067 — Dependent variable must be numeric.

11075 — Error opening the file.

The following warnings may be displayed during the bioequivalence run.

11089 — Bioequivalence statistics cannot be computed for some test formulations.

11090 — Asymptotic covariance matrix not computed. Information matrix is deemed singular.

11091 — Newton's algorithm converged with modified Hessian. Output is suspect. Model may be over-specified. A simpler model could be tried.

11092 — Failed to converge in allocated number of iterations.

11093 — There are no residual degrees of freedom. No statistical tests are possible.

11094 — Negative final variance component. Consider omitting this VC structure.

11095 — Negative final variance parameter. Consider FA0 structure instead of UN.

11096 — Negative final block term for CS. Consider omitting random model for this structure.

11097 — Negative final variance parameter for TOEP structure.

11098 — Negative final variance parameter for AR structure.

11099 — Negative final standard deviation for ARH/CSH structure.

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