Data limits and constraints

The limits and constraints discussed here are for Bioequivalence and Linear Mixed Effects modeling.

Cell data may not include question marks (?) or either single (') or double (“) quotation marks.

Variable names must begin with a letter. After the first character, valid characters include numbers and underscores (my_file_2). They cannot include spaces or the following operational symbols: +, –, *, /, =. They also cannot include parentheses (), question marks (?), semicolons (;), single or double quotes.

Titles (in Contrasts, Estimates, or ASCII) can have single or double quotation marks but not both.

Maximum Counts for Variables 

model terms — 30

factors in a model term — 10

sort keys — 16

covariate/regressor variables — 255

dependent variables — 128

levels per variable — 1,000

variables in the dataset — 256

contrast statements — 100

estimate statements — 100

random and repeated statements — 10

combined length of all variance parameter names (total characters) — 10,000

combined length of all level names (total characters) — 10,000

combined length of input data line (total characters in line of data or column headers) — 2,500

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