Model Selection tab

The Model Selection tab for most of the Least-Squares Regression Models allows users to select a model and whether or not the model uses simulated data/clearance parameter. (For the User ASCII Model, the Model Selection tab contains weighting options as described in the “Weighting/Dosing Options tab” description.)


Refer to any of the following sections for model details:
Linear models
Michaelis-Menten models
Pharmacodynamic models
Pharmacokinetic models

Selecting a model displays a diagram beside the model selection menu that describes the model’s functions. The model’s equation is listed beneath the diagram.


For Indirect Response, PK, and PK/PD Linked models, select the Clearance checkbox to add a clearance parameter to the model. (The clearance parameter option is not available for PK models 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, or 19.)

For Michaelis-Menten Models, use the Number of Constants box to type or select the num­ber of dosing constants used per profile. (For more on how the number of constants corre­sponds to the number, amount, and time of doses, see “Dosing constants for the Michaelis-Menten model”.)

For PK/PD Linked Models, enter concentration units in the PK Units text field or click the Units Builder […] button to use the Units Builder dialog.

Note:For PK/PD Linked Models, to view all PK parameter units in the PK Parameters panel, users must supply concentration units in the PK Units text field in the Model Selection tab and dose units in the Weighting/Dosing Options tab.


Linked Model tab

The Linked Model tab allows users to select the model to link with model specified in the Model Selec­tion tab. It is available only for the Indirect Response and PK/PD Linked Models.


For more on these models, see “Indirect Response models”. For PK/PD Linked Models, see “Pharma­codynamic models”.

For a list of PD output parameters used in linked PK/PD models, see “PD output parameters in a PK/PD model”.

Selecting a model displays a diagram beside the model selection menu that describes the model’s functions. The model’s equation is listed beneath the diagram.


Weighting/Dosing Options tab

The Weighting Options tab (in Dissolution, Linear, M-M, and PD Model objects) and the Weighting/Dosing Options tab (in Indirect Response, PK, and PK/PD Linked Model objects) allows users to select a weighting scheme and specify and preview dosing options.


Weighting options

User Defined: Weights are read from a column in the dataset.
Uniform: Users can enter custom observed to or predicted to the power of N values. If selected, then users must select Observed or Predicted in the Source menu and type the power value in the Power to text field.
1/Y: Weight the data by 1/observed Y.
1/Yhat: Weight the data by 1/predicted Y (iterative reweighting).
1/(Y*Y): Weight the data by 1/observed Y2.
1/(Yhat*Yhat): Weight the data by 1/predicted Y2 (iterative reweighting).

Source: Selecting this option sets the weighting to User Defined and adds a Weight column to the Main Mappings panel. If selected, users must map the weighting column in the dataset to the Weight context in the Main Mappings panel.

Observed: Select to use weighted least squares. This is the default selection for 1/Y and 1/(Y*Y). The default power for 1/Y is –1 and for 1/(Y*Y) it is –2.

Predicted: Select to use iterative reweighting. This is the default selection for 1/Yhat and 1/(Yhat*Yhat). The default power for 1/Yhat is –1 and for 1/(Yhat*Yhat) it is –2.

Entering -1 automatically sets the weighting to 1/Y (if Observed is the source) or 1/Yhat (if Pre­dicted is the source).

Entering -2 automatically sets the weighting to 1/(Y*Y) (if Observed is the source) or 1/(Yhat*Yhat) (if Predicted is the source).

Dosing options

Available for Indirect Response, PK, and PK/PD Linked models.

Note:For Indirect Response Models, to view all PK parameter units in the PK Parameters panel, users must supply units for the time and concentration data in the input and specifying dose units in the Weighting/Dosing Options tab.

For PK/PD Linked Models, to view all PK parameter units in the PK Parameters panel, users must supply concentration units in the PK Units text field in the Model Selection tab and dose units in the Weighting/Dosing Options tab.

If doses are in milligrams per kilogram of body weight, select mg as the dosing unit and kg as the dose normalization.

The Normalization menu affects the output parameter units. For example, if dose volume is in liters, selecting kg as the dose normalization changes the units to L/kg.

Dose normalization affects units for all volume and clearance parameters in PK models.

Parameter Options tab

All iterative estimation procedures require initial estimates of the parameter values. Phoenix com­putes initial estimates via curve stripping for single-dose models. For all other situations, including multiple-dose models, users must provide initial estimates or boundaries to be used by Phoenix in creating initial estimates. Parameter boundaries provide a basis for grid searching initial parameter estimates, and also limit the estimates during modeling. This is useful if the values become unrealistic or the model does not converge. For more on setting initial parameter estimates, refer to “Parameter Estimates and Boundaries Rules”.


Set the parameter calculation method:

Note:The default minimization method, Gauss-Newton (Hartley) (located in the Engine Settings tab), and the Parameter Boundaries option Do Not Use Bounds are recommended for all Linear mod­els.

If the User Supplied Bounds option button is selected, Phoenix uses curve stripping to pro­vide initial estimates. If curve stripping fails, then Phoenix uses the grid search method.

If the WinNonlin Bounds option button is selected, Phoenix uses curve stripping to provide initial estimates, and then applies boundaries to the model parameters for model fitting. If curve stripping fails, the model fails because Phoenix cannot use grid search for initial esti­mates without user-supplied boundaries.

Set the boundary calculation method:

Parameter boundaries provide a basis for grid searching initial parameter estimates, and also limit the estimates during modeling. This is useful if the values become unrealistic or the model does not con­verge. For more on using parameter boundaries, refer to “Parameter Estimates and Boundaries Rules”.

Engine Settings tab

The Engine Settings tab provides control over the model fitting algorithm and related settings.


Note:The use of bounds is recommended with Methods 2 and 3. For linear regressions, use Method 3 without bounds.


Note:To better reflect peaks (for IV dosing) and troughs (for extravascular, IV infusion and IV bolus dos­ing), the predicted data for the built-in PK models includes dosing times, in addition to the concen­trations generated. For all three types, concentrations are generated at dosing times; in addition, for infusion models, data are generated for the end of infusion.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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