NLME Models

Create or edit a model using Model Builder

Generate a new NLME model using a template

Run initial estimates

Duplicate models

Batch editing of models
(refer to the Pirana “Batch editing of models” section)

Open input dataset
(refer to the Pirana “Open the input dataset” section)

Attach folders to a model
(refer to the Pirana “Attach folders to selected model” section)

Rename an NLME model file

View difference with reference model
(refer to the Pirana “View difference with reference model” section)

Delete a model
(refer to the Pirana “Delete a model” section)

Fit a model

Execute a model run with Model Executor

View model results

Export model items
(refer to the Pirana “Export model items” section)

Create a zip file of model items
(refer to the Pirana “Create zip file of model items” section)

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