Predictive Check run mode

The Main tab in the Predictive Check mode provides options applying to all the observed variables. Besides this, each observed variable has a separate tab, and the options provided in each tab depend on whether the observable variable is continuous, categorical/count or time-to-event.

Main tab options

Continuous observed variable tab(s) options

Categorical or count observed variable tab(s) options

Time-to-event observed variable tab(s) options

The Seed option, in the Run Options tab, is used as an initial seed value for the random simulation. Each subsequent replicate will use a different seed. Phoenix adds 100 to the starting seed. If the Keep? option is selected, then the same starting seed will be used for the next run. Otherwise, Phoenix assigns a random seed and results might vary if they are executed twice.

To run Predictive Check on the final estimates from a model fitting (Simple run mode), press the Accept All Fixed + Random button in the Parameters > Fixed Effects sub-tab to accept the final parameter estimates as the initial estimates for the Predictive Check.

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