Main Mappings panel

Mappings panels identify how input variables are to be used. Map the data by dragging the dataset from the Data folder to the Setup tab or use the icon_select_source icon in the Setup tab.

Once a dataset is mapped, use the option buttons in the Mappings panels to assign the columns in the dataset to the appropriate context associations. Required context mappings are colored orange.

None: Columns mapped to this context are not included in any analysis or output.

Sort: Categorical variable(s) identifying individual data profiles.

If a sort variable has missing values, then the analysis is performed for the missing level and MISSING is printed as the sort variable value.

Classification: Classification variables or factors that are categorical independent variables, such as formulation, treatment, and gender.

Regressors: Regressor variables or covariates that are continuous independent variables, such as temperature or body weight. The regressor variable can also be used to weight the dataset.

Dependent: The dependent variable, such as drug concentration, that provides the values used to fit the model.

For information on variable naming constraints and data limits, see “Data limits and constraints” in the Bioequivalence documentation.

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