JPS and JQS configuration files
jps.exe.config and jqs.exe.config
jps.exe.config is the Job Server configuration file used to define the connection between the Job Server and the Job Queue. It has other settings that typically do not need modification. jqs.exe.config is the Job Queue configuration file used to set the ports to listen to and except for the license location is generally not modified.
Application root directory. For example, %INSTALL_FOLDER%\Phoenix\application.
Configurable Sections:
Application Settings and Logging (uses NLog: see for more information).
<add key=”KEY” value=”VALUE”/>
Keys and Values:
floatLicenseServer: States where the JPS named user license server is via IP Address.
serviceLicense: JPS/JQS license
useDebugDirectory: Location for NLME Debug files.
<nlog globalThreshold=”Trace”>: Defines the logging level, default is Trace. Valid values include: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal
jobqueue isLocalJobQueue: Leave as false.
maxHistory: Sets the maximum number of finished/canceled jobs to keep on the queue. When this number is exceeded the oldest jobs will be removed from the queue.
jobTimeoutInSeconds: Sets the amount of time in seconds that the queue waits to determine if a JPS machine has gone down while processing a job. If the queue does not get a heartbeat back from the processing machine continuously within this time frame, the job will be put back on the queue. Any results from the machine that timed out will not be accepted.
jqs.exe.config only:
<jobqueue isLocalJobQueue=”false” maxHistory=”25”
<channel type=”tcp” port=”4000” />
<channel type=”http” port=”8000” />
threadPollInterval: Sets how often in seconds the JPS will ask the queue for a job if it is not already processing one.
heartbeatTimeInSeconds: Sets how often in seconds JPS will talk back to the queue to report that it is still processing a job. This is used in conjunction with the timeout option in the queue to determine if a processing machine has gone down and the job should be returned to the queue for processing.
maxProcessingThreads: Ignore/Do Not Modify. Sets the maximum number of concurrent JPS jobs to process on the machine. Factors to consider when setting the value include the number of available cores and whether MPI is also being used.
gridAvailable: Ignore/Do Not Modify.
maxProcessingThreads: Ignore/Do Not Modify.
useLocalConfigurationFile: Ignore/Do Not Modify.
configurationFilePath: Ignore/Do Not Modify.
jps.exe.config only:
<jobProcessing maxProcessingThreads=”1”
configurationFilePath=“” threadPollInterval=”60”
gridAvailable=”false” heartbeatTimeInSeconds=”60” />
See also the “Set job queue options” and “Set job processing options” sections.
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