Configuring JMS

Instructions are presented in this section to configure the following.

Set job queue options

Point to the correct JQS

Set job processing options

For more information on the configuration files mentioned, see the “Phoenix configuration files” section.

Set job queue options

Open <Phoenix_install_dir>\application\jqs.exe.config.

Go to the jobqueue and configure the following options.

isLocalJobQueue: Leave as false.

maxHistory: Set the maximum number of finished/canceled jobs to keep on the queue. When this number is exceeded the oldest jobs will be removed from the queue.

jobTimeoutInSeconds: Set the amount of time in seconds that the queue waits to determine if a JPS machine has gone down while processing a job. If the queue does not get a heartbeat back from the processing machine continuously within this time frame, the job will be put back on the queue. Any results from the machine that timed out will not be accepted.

See “JPS and JQS configuration files” for more file information.

Point to the correct JQS

Stop JPS.

Using a text editor, open <Phoenix_install_dir>\application\jobManagement.xml.

Modify the machineName attribute to point to the JQS machine. This value can be an IP address or a resolvable hostname.

In the channels section, modify the port attribute for HTTP and/or TCP.

In the server section, set default=true for the channel you wish to use (HTTP or TCP).

Restart the server.

Console mode can be used to verify that the service is setup properly and processing jobs.

See “Job management configuration file” for more file information.

Set job processing options

Open <Phoenix_install_dir>\application\jps.exe.config.

Go to the jobProcessing section and configure the following options:

maxProcessingThreads: Set to the maximum number of concurrent JPS jobs to process on the machine. Factors to consider when setting the value include the number of available cores and whether MPI is also being used.

useLocalConfigurationFile: Leave as true.

configurationFilePath: Leave as empty.

threadPollInterval: Set how often in seconds the JPS will ask the queue for a job if it is not already processing one.

gridAvailable: Leave as false.

heartbeatTimeInSeconds: Set how often in seconds JPS will talk back to the queue to report that it is still processing a job. This is used in conjunction with the time out option in the queue to determine if a processing machine has gone down and the job should be returned to the queue for processing.

Configure the HTTP/TCP channels to pick the port that will be used to communicate with Phoenix clients and JPS nodes.

To have JPS use a named user license server, remove the comment “<!--” before and after the <appSettings> section. Change the default IP address to the named user license server’s IP address.

         <add key=”floatLicenseServer” value=””/> 

The Job Processing Server Sandbox directory is defined by jps.exe.config. The default location is C:\Phoenix.JPS, but may need to be set to another location if the default location is not acceptable. The directory name must be \Phoenix.JPS for the system to correctly function.

The sandbox directory drive letter can be changed to the letter of any local drive. The sandbox cannot be located on a networked hard drive.

The sandbox location is defined in the following two areas in jps.exe.config:


See “JPS and JQS configuration files” for more file information.

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