Options tab

Settings in the Options tab change depending on whether the model type is average or population/individual.


Average bioequivalence options

In the Confidence Level field, type the level for the bioequivalence model (default is 90%).

In the Percent of Reference to Detect field, type the percentage of reference treatment to detect (default is 20%).

In the Anderson-Hauck Lower Limit field, type the lower limit for the Anderson-Hauck test (default is 0.8).

In the Anderson-Hauck Upper Limit field, type the upper limit for the Anderson-Hauck test (default is 1.25 for log-transformed data and 1.2 for non-transformed data).

For more on the Anderson-Hauck test, see the “Anderson-Hauck test” section.

Population/Individual bioequivalence options

In the Confidence Level field, type the level for the bioequivalence model (default is 95%).

In the Percent of Reference to Detect field, type the percentage of reference treatment to detect (default is 20%).

In the Total SD Standard field in the Population Limits group, type the value of the total slope distance (default is 0.2).

In the Epsilon field in the Population Limits group, type an epsilon value for the population limits (default is 0.02).

In the Within Subject SD Standard field in the Individual Limits group, type the value of the within subject slope distance (default is 0.2).

In the Epsilon field in the Individual Limits group, type an epsilon value for the individual limits (default is 0.05).

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