Administration Module

The Administrator Module allows configuration of AutoPilot Toolkit business rules and system settings for analyses, and output, including formatting. Settings made in the Administrator Module override the p shipped defaults and provide the default settings in the AutoPilot Toolkit User Module. The administrator settings are saved to an XML file, which can be shared to standardize AutoPilot Toolkit configuration across your organization.

See the “Study data variables” section for a list of user- and administrator-configurable settings.

For all PK_Parameter graphs the [PK_Param] part of the filename can be changed by the administrator. The resulting filename can include only allowed characters for the Windows operating system.

To open the Admin Module


In the Edit menu, select Preferences.

In the list, select AutoPilot.

Enter administrator credentials in the User ID and Password fields.

admin is the default username and Admin is the default password. The password is case-sensitive.

Press Open Admin Module.

AutoPilot Toolkit’s default system files directory is located at C:\Users\<username>\My Documents\APSystem\<username>.

This section contains the following topics:

Administrator and user settings

General settings

AutoPilot Toolkit business rules

General business rules

Table business rules

Graph business rules

Selecting content for generated output

PK Automation and PK Comparison intext table formatting

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