Executing Objects and Workflows

Individual objects in a workflow can be executed as well as an entire workflow. In many cases, the execution can be done locally or remotely. (See “RPS” for details on setting up Phoenix to use RPS for executing remotely.)

Note:Depending on the types of objects that make up the Workflow, executing the Workflow may some­times fail if one object tries to start before another object, whose results are needed as input, fin­ishes. In such cases, try executing the objects separately.

To execute an object

Select that object in the Object Browser and click the Execute icon or the Execute Remotely icon in the toolbar.


Or right-click an object in the Object Browser or in the Diagram and select Execute from the right-click menu.

Or with the object selected, right-click an empty space in the Object Browser or in the Diagram and select Execute from the right-click menu.

To execute an entire workflow

Select the workflow in the Object Browser or in the Diagram and click the Execute icon or the Exe­cute Remotely icon in the toolbar.

Or right-click a workflow item in the Object Browser or in the Diagram and select Execute from the right-click menu.

Or with the workflow selected, right-click an empty space in the Object Browser or in the Diagram and select Execute from the right-click menu.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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