Structural sub-tab

The Structural tab lists all the structural parameters used in the model. The listed parameters change depending on the selections made in the Structure tab.


Structural Parameters tab for Emax model

Every selection made in the structural tab changes the code for the modified structural parameter. These code changes are displayed in the Model Text tab.


Here is what Sum*exp(eta) gives you in the presence of covariate effects:


The bottom section of the Parameters’ Structural tab allows users to add covariates to the model structure.



Covariate settings

To remove a covariate from the model, click the corresponding X button.

Forward holds the first value between covariate observations.
Interpolate linearly interpolates the covariate between covariate observations. Only available for Continuous covariate types.
Backward holds the last value between covariate observations.

Covariates can also be added based on available columns in the input source. See “Consider­ations when modeling with covariates” for additional information on covariate direction.

Adding covariate effects to structural parameters 

Users can add three types of covariate effects to structural parameters. They are continuous, categor­ical, and occasion. Each type has its own set of options, and affect the structural parameters and the model differently.

The structural parameters are displayed beside each covariate that is added.


Covariate settings with structural parameters displayed

Each time a covariate effect is added, the code in the Structural tab and in the Model Text tab is mod­ified.

Continuous covariate effects

Each parameter has a button that toggles between three values as it is clicked: No (the default), Yes, +1. The value shown on the button when the object is executed defines how covariate effects are added to structural parameters.

Each covariate effect added creates a new fixed effect in the Fixed Effect tab. The new fixed effect can be modified in the same way as any other fixed effect.

Categorical covariate effects

Each parameter has a button that toggles between three values as it is clicked. The value shown on the button when the object is executed defines how covariate effects are added to structural parame­ters.

Users cannot enter center values for categorical covariates.

No does not add covariate effects to the parameter.
Yes adds covariate effects to that parameter by updating the code with an additional term
+1 also adds covariate effects to the parameter by updating the code with an additional term.

Each covariate effect added creates a new fixed effect in the Fixed Effect tab. The new fixed effect can be modified in the same way as any other fixed effect.

Occasion covariate effects

The occasion covariate effect is used in a different way for variables. For example, the occasion could specify whether an observation was taken on a Monday or a Wednesday.

Each parameter has a button that toggles between two values as it is clicked. The value shown on the button when the object is executed defines how covariate effects are added to structural parameters.

No does not add covariate effects to the parameter.
Yes adds covariate effects to that parameter by updating the code with an additional term.

Adding an occasion covariate creates a copy of each selected structural parameter random effect in the Random Effects tab. For example, if V is a structural parameter, and an occasion covariate is added to it, then nV is added to the Random Effects tab, where n stands for eta, or random effect, and V stands for volume. If three occasion covariate effects are added for V, they are named nV, nV2, and nV3.

The new random effect can be modified in the same way as any other random effect.

Considerations when modeling with covariates

Covariates may have apparent incorrect covariate values being propagated (contrary to observed data), because of forward/backward/interpolate, for time-varying covariates. This raises several sig­nificant issues to consider when modeling:


Illustration of propagation direction

The default is forward in time, to be somewhat consistent with other tools. (Refer to “Structure tab” for setting the direction.)

Note:In situations where a covariate is missing because it has not been mapped, Phoenix NLME exits with an error message. If the covariate is mapped, but one or more subjects do not have a row of data for that covariate, Phoenix NLME also exits with an error message. For example, if one sub­ject did not have the variable “gender” at all and the model includes “gender” as a covariate for V, for instance, then the full model will fail.

Note:There is no concept of a default value for a completely missing covariate, missing rows of data need to be resolved in the dataset prior to modeling.

Regardless of covariate direction, the value of the covariate applies during all other dose or observa­tion events occurring on the same input data row. For example, if the data looks like this:

time  CObs  age weight

  14    99.7    17       50

If there is any doafter code associated with observable CObs, the age and weight have the value 17 and 50 in that code, regardless of forward or backward covariate direction.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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