Running QRPEM in command line mode

The numerical engine code for the QRPEM engine is 1, so a typical command line invocation of QRPEM with model file test.mdl, column mapping file cols1.txt, data file data1.txt, and a maximum iteration limit of 200 takes the form:

  runnlme.bat 1 200 test.mdl cols1.txt data1.txt

The output files for QRPEM are the same as for the other engines.

QRPEM control flags

In addition to the standard engine controls that can be provided in the file nlmeflags.asc dis­cussed previously (see “The lognlmeflags.asc control file”) and which generally apply to all engines, there are some QRPEM-specific controls that apply only to the QRPEM engine and that are passed in a simple text file qrpemflags.asc.

Note:In UI mode, these controls are set in the Run Options tab.

As with nlmeflags.asc, if the qrpemflags.asc file is omitted, the default values of the vari­ous QRPEM controls will be used. However, if the user wants to override any of the QRPEM default control values, the qrpemflags.asc file must be provided in the current active directory (typically the directory containing the model, mapping, and data files). A sample qrpemflags.asc file con­taining default values of the controls is shown below and is also provided in …\Exam­ples\NLME\Command Line.

300  !Nsamp        number of eta samples per subject
0    !impsamptype  type of importance sampling
0    !impmapflag   0=no MAP assist after first iteration,
                  1=MAP step on every iteration
0    !iflagmcpem   0=QRPEM sampling, 1=MCPEM sampling
1    !iflagscramble   0=none, 1=Owen, 2=Faure-Tezuka
10   !NSIR         sample size for estimating fixed effects
                   not associated with random effects
       0.1d0  !acceptance ratio
0    !irunall      if irunall=1, all iterations will be run,
                  regardless of convergence behavior
0    !Nburn        number of burn in iterations
0    !ifreezeOmega freeze Omega during burn-ins flag (0=no, 1=yes)
0    !ipostrestart posterior restart flag: 0=no,
                  1=use posteriors from previous run if available
! end qrpemflags.asc

The QRPEM control flags include:

The rationale for using MVL or MVT is to increase the sampling frequency from the target poste­rior distribution tails in case that distribution has more slowly decaying tails than that of a multivar­iate normal distribution. An alternative to using MVL or MVT to accomplish this is to use a lower value of acceptance ratio, as discussed below.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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