Input files

model file: mandatory command line argument 4
colmap file: mandatory command line argument 5
data file: mandatory command line argument 6
nlmeflags.asc: optional control file
logrestart.asc: optional restart file

The three mandatory input files are always designated in the command line.

An optional fourth control input file called nlmeflags.asc is used to set certain environmental flags and tolerances to values other than the default values. If this file is not present in the command line arguments, then the environmental flags and tolerances are set to their default values. The file is created with every modeling run.

The format and default values of the nlmeflags.asc file are listed below. Every successful run of the NLME engine creates a lognlmeflags.asc file which contains flags and values that can be copied to the nlmeflags.asc file.

Copy the text from lognlmeflags.asc to nlmeflags.asc and change the applicable values in order to create and use nlmeflags.asc file in a modeling run.

The optional fifth command line argument input file is called logrestart.asc. It is used to desig­nate an initial starting solution other than that specified in the model file. Every successful run of the NLME engine creates a logrestart.asc file which can then be used to initialize later runs.

The flag for controlling whether or not to use logrestart.asc is in the !iflagrestart line in nlmeflags.asc.

Example usage for the command line arguments:

RunNLME 5 500 lyon04.mdl COLS04.TXT EMAX02.csv nlmeflags.asc logrestart.asc

The lognlmeflags.asc control file

The standard lognlmeflags.asc control file consists of 11 lines with standard default values specified as entries. The following lines are typical contents of a lognlmeflags.asc file:

0  !iflagnp (0=do not run, otherwise # of nonparametric generations)
0  !iflagrestart (0=no, 1=start from solution in logrestart.asc)
1  !norderAGQ
1  !iflagfocehess (1=foce, 0=Laplacian numerical Hessian)
1  !iflagverbose (verbose mode is always used)
0  !iflagstderr (0=none, 1=central diff, 2=forward diff)
     1 -1   !METHODblup, NDIGITblup (expert usage, do not change)
     1  7   !METHODlagl, NDIGITlagl (expert usage, do not change)
   0.100E-02 !tolmodlinz (step size for model linearization)
1  !iflagIEXP (1=secant, 0=hessian)
   0.100E-01 !tolstderr (step size for standard error computation)
0  !nrep_pcwres (0=do not run, otherwise # of replicates)
0  !npresample (not currently used)
0  !niter_mapnp (0=do not run, otherwise # of MAP_NP iterations)

Note:If the nlmeflags.asc control file is not used then the default values are used. The file logn­lmeflags.asc logs which values were used in a modeling run.

The control flags include:


If norderAGQ=1 and iflaghess=1, then the FOCE ELS (Extended Least Squares) objective function is used, which is similar to NONMEM FOCE.

If norderAGQ=1 and iflaghess=0, then the Laplacian objective function is used, which is similar to NONMEM Laplacian objective function.

norderAGQ>1 and iflaghess=1 creates an adaptive Gaussian quadrature with a Gaussian kernel defined by the FOCE approximation.

norderAGQ>1 and iflaghess=0 creates an adaptive Gaussian quadrature with a Gaussian kernel defined by a numerical differentiation Hessian approximation.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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