Create PP Domain

This wizard allows you to select the final PK parameters to exclude, add comments, and generate the PP domain.

Select PK Submit > Create PP Domain from the main menu.

The required parameters worksheet will typically come directly from an NCA object, but may also be created through the Data Wizard or some other process in Phoenix.

If an NCA Final Parameter(s) worksheet is already part of the project, it will automatically be selected as the Parameter Worksheet.

Use the Browse button to select a different worksheet that contains the parameters in a stacked for­mat using the Select Object dialog.

Click OK.

Note:If the final parameters worksheet is user-created, it is important that it includes all data contained in the NCA Final Parameters worksheet(s). New parameters merged with the NCA parameters must be stored in the “Parameter” column, and their corresponding values stored in the “Estimate” column. All other variables should also be populated to match the NCA results.

Creating the PP Domain using the wizard involves the following tasks:

Select PK parameters
Exclude parameters
Add comments
Validation of PP domain creation

Last modified date:7/9/20
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