Exclude parameters

Manually select data

This process is the same as described in “Manually select data” in the PC creation section.

Use criteria to select parameter


Filter criteria can also be used to identify the parameters to exclude.

  1. Under Parameter Selection, click the button for the parameter to exclude.

  2. Select the variable on which to base the criteria.

  3. Check the box(es) for the operator(s) to use in the criteria. Use combinations of two operators, if needed (e.g., check < and = to indicate the value is “less than or equal to.”

  4. Type the value in the Enter Value field.

  5. Enter a reason for the exclusion in the Enter Comment field.

  6. Click Exclude.

Note:Selecting Parameter in the Select the column for criteria pull-down list will result in the appear­ance of a second pull-down list labeled Select parameter for criteria, from which the parameter to use in the exclusion criteria is selected.

Select parameter (no criteria)

Selecting a parameter without specifying criteria will exclude all data points for that parameter.

  1. Under Parameter Selection, click the button for the parameter to exclude.

  2. Click Exclude.

To remove all the applied exclusions, click the Undo button.

To remove a specific exclusion, right-click the row and select Undo.

Click Clear Criteria to clear the fields and settings made on the page.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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