Central compartment options

Central compartments can be connected to other PK compartments, including at least one elimination compartment (unless no drug leaves the body), by using a PK flow. Any number of central and periph­eral compartments can be connected together, with one exception: if a set of PK compartments using volume parameters are connected by PK flows parameterized in microconstants, there can be only one central compartment.


Note:Option 2 requires the dosing data to be in separate columns in the input dataset. Option split requires the data to be in the same column.

If 1, 2, or split dose points are selected, users can add time delay parameters, bioavailability expressions, add infusions, and specify zero-order absorption options. For 2 or split, these parameters can be set for each dose point by selecting the Dosept 1 and Dosept 2 tabs.


A dosing parameter rate, such as Aa Rate or A1 Rate, is added to the contexts in the Main Mappings panel.

A Duration? checkbox is also added in the Structure tab. Checking this box causes the con­text A1 or Aa Rate to change to A1 or Aa Duration.

No: There is no zero-order input.
Rate: The drug is introduced into the system at a constant rate. Enter the zero-order rate expres­sion in the field, as either a parameter or a numeric value.
Duration: The drug is introduced over a finite period of time, or duration. Enter the zero-order duration expression in the field, as either a parameter or a numeric value.

Last modified date:7/9/20
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