Working with Worksheets

This section includes information on the following topics:

Creating a worksheet or workbook

Adding columns to a worksheet

Editing an existing column

Changing the display format of numerical values

Adding and deleting rows in a worksheet

Moving cell values in a worksheet

Editing data values in worksheets

Replacing a cell value with a new value

Undoing and redoing actions

Finding a cell value in a worksheet

Sorting a worksheet

Using Edit in Excel

In addition, there are a number of operational objects specific for modifying worksheets. See “Work­sheet-Related Objects”.

Creating a worksheet or workbook

To create a worksheet

Select File > New Worksheet File_menu_New_Worksheet_icon.png.

Or right-click the Data folder and select New > Worksheet.

A new worksheet is added to the Data folder.

To rename the worksheet

Select the worksheet and press the F2 key.

Or single-clicking the worksheet name a second time.

Or right-clicking the worksheet and selecting Rename.

Type a name for the new worksheet.

To create a workbook

Right-click the Data folder and select New > Workbook.

Click the (+) sign beside the workbook to view the worksheets it contains.

To add more worksheets to a workbook, right-click a workbook and select New > Worksheet.

Adding columns to a worksheet

With the worksheet displayed, click Add under the Columns box in the Columns tab.

Or right-click in the worksheet itself and select Insert Column from the menu.

In the New Column Properties dialog, select the Numeric or Text option buttons to set the data type for the new column.


Numeric-type columns are considered by Phoenix to contain only numeric values, and the appli­cation treats the values in a numeric column as numeric data. A numeric column contains only numeric values or substitution values such as those applied by BQL rules.

Text-type columns in Phoenix can contain mixed numeric and text values. Beginning and trailing spaces in text are trimmed in Phoenix worksheets.

Note:Additional issues arising from having numeric data in a text-type column include:
– Columns with numbers as purely text will sort differently than numeric columns;
– Very large integers will lose precision due to rounding of significant digits when they exceed pre­cision capacity (approximately 14 digits);
– Preceding 0's will be lost in the case of numeric subject identifiers that start with 0's.

Type a name for the new column in the Column Name field and click OK.

After a column is added to the Columns box its properties can still be edited.

Limitations on column names 

Limitations on column names are necessary in Phoenix because certain characters can cause opera­tional objects to either work incorrectly or not recognize a column in a worksheet.

Column names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.

Column names cannot contain spaces. Spaces are converted to underscores.

Column names cannot start with a number. Column names that start with a number have an underscore added to the beginning of the column name.

Any invalid characters used in a column name are automatically converted to an underscore. For example, if a user types the column name 1 Conc%, Phoenix automatically converts it to _1_Conc_.

Editing an existing column

Note:Selecting a column in the Grid tab also selects the column in the Columns box.

To change the column header, click the name in the Columns box to make it editable and type the new name.

To remove a column, select a column header in the Columns box and click Remove underneath the Columns box.

Or right-click the cell or column header in the worksheet itself and select Delete from the menu. In the confirmation dialog, click the Selected Column(s) option button and click OK.

Note that columns cannot be deleted from a worksheet that is mapped to an operational object.

To change the order of the columns, select a column in the Columns box and click the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons beside the Column box to move the column up and down.

To change a column’s data type, click Change beside Data Type to display the Change Column Type dialog and select the type.


Caution:Changing a column from text to numeric deletes any non-numeric values in the column.

To add units to a column header, type the unit in the Unit field or click Units Builder to open the Units Builder dialog. See “Using the Units Builder” for more on using the Units Builder dialog.

Changing the display format of numerical values

The numeric display format is only used to control how data is displayed. All operational objects use the raw data that is displayed in the Value Display bar, i.e., full precision is used in all calculations regardless of the display format.


Phoenix uses Microsoft .NET format strings to display numerical values in a worksheet.

To specify a Microsoft .NET format string

Select the Custom option button in the Columns tab.

Enter a format string in the field. The following table shows examples. The default is G8.

.NET format strings

Format Type





Enter G in the Custom field to display the values in the cells in fixed-point or scientific notation, depending on the length of the number and the specified precision. Users can change the pre­cision specifier after G to any whole number from one to 99. Any numerical value longer than the specified precision value is displayed in scientific notation. If no precision value is specified, then every number in the column is displayed without regard to significant digits or decimal places.



Enter E in the Custom field to display the values in the cells in scientific notation. Users can change the precision specifier after E to any whole number from one to 99. If no precision value is specified, then six decimal places are used to display every number in the column.



Enter F in the Custom field to display the values in the cells in real numbers. The F format determines how many decimal places are displayed. Users can change the precision specifier after F to any whole number from one to 99. If no precision value is specified, then two decimal places are used to display every number in the column.

To specify the format as the number of decimal places

Select the Numeric option button.

In the Required Decimals box, select or type the number of required decimal places.

If a cell in the column contains less decimal values than the specified number of required deci­mals, then zeros are appended to the end of the value. This does not change the actual value in the cell. Only the value display is changed.

In the Optional Decimals box, select or type the number of optional decimal places.

If a cell in a column contains less decimal values than the specified number of optional decimals, no zeroed are appended to the end of the value. However, if a cell contains more decimal values than the number specified, then the decimal values are truncated. This does not change the actual value in the cell. Only the value display is changed.

Users can set the number of required and optional decimal places to make sure that all values in a cell are represented and not altered. The number of required and optional decimal places needed to do this depends on the values in the column cells.

Check the Use Thousands Separator box to place a comma between every third integer.

Date and time formats

The time column in a worksheet is typically in numeric format. Phoenix also allows users to create worksheets that contain the date and time values in text format.

Date and Time Format Strings





dddd, dd MMMM yyyy

Tuesday, 22 August 2006

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30 AM

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy H:mm

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 6:30

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy h:mm tt

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 6:30 AM

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30:07

MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy H:mm

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy h:mm tt

8/22/2006 6:30

MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss

8/22/2006 6:30





ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'

Tue, 22 Aug 2006 06:30:07 GMT





hh:mm tt

6:30 AM



h:mm tt

6:30 AM



yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'

2006-08-22 06:30:07Z

dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss

Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30:07

yyyy MMMM

2006 August

Adding and deleting rows in a worksheet

Right-click in the worksheet and select Insert Row from the menu.

If a cell is selected, the row is inserted above the selected cell. If multiple rows are selected, the same number of rows will be inserted above the first selected row.

To delete a row, right-click a cell in the row and select Delete from the menu. In the confirmation dia­log, click the Selected Row(s) option button and click OK.

Note:A row-paste operation will only appear in the history when the data to be copied is selected by highlighting the individual cells and pasted by selecting the destination row number. If the data is copied by selecting a row number or pasted by selecting the destination cells, the history entry will not be created.

To move rows, select the contiguous rows, move the cursor over the lower right corner of the selected block of rows and, when the cursor changes to a four-arrow sign, drag the block of rows to the new location.

Moving cell values in a worksheet

Use the pointer to select a horizontal range of cells or vertical range of cells in a worksheet.

Click the Cut, Copy, Paste from the right-click menu, Edit menu, or in the toolbar.

Cut moves the values in the cells to the clipboard.

Copy copies the values in the cells to the clipboard.

Paste pastes the values in the clipboard into cells, start with the currently selected cell.


Move the cursor over the lower right corner of the selected block of cells and, when the cursor changes to a four-arrow sign, drag the block of cells to the new location.

Editing data values in worksheets

Click in a cell and edit the content directly in the cell or in the field above the worksheet.


Use the pointer to select a cell or cells in a worksheet.

Click the Cut, Copy, Paste from the right-click menu, Edit menu, or in the toolbar.

Cut moves the value in a cell to the clipboard.

Copy copies the value in a cell to the clipboard.

Paste pastes the value in the clipboard into a cell.

If you want the same value in multiple adjacent cells, enter that value in the first cell and then drag the lower right corner of the selection box until the block of desired cells is selected. When you release the mouse button all of the selected cells will have the entered value.

Note:If you are unexpectedly unable to edit a cell value, try double-clicking in the cell or selecting the cell and then using the field above the worksheet to enter the data.

Replacing a cell value with a new value

Select Edit > Replace to display the Replace dialog.

The Replace dialog works like the Find dialog, except that it replaces text and numbers.

In the Find field, type the text or number to be replaced.

In the Replace With field, type the text or number to replace the search value entered in the Find field.

Check the Replace All box to replace all instances of the value in the Find field. Unchecking the Replace All box only replaces the first instance of the search value.

Undoing and redoing actions

Select Edit > Undo to undo the last worksheet action.

Select Edit > Redo to redo the last worksheet action.

Note:The Undo and Redo functions have no effect on any part of Phoenix other than worksheets.

Finding a cell value in a worksheet

To find a cell by column and row

With a worksheet displayed, select Edit > Go To to display the Go To dialog.

In the Column menu, select the column in which the cell is located.

In the Row Number field, type the row number in which the cell is located.

Click OK to select the corresponding cell and scroll to that location in the worksheet.

To find a cell by its value

Select Edit > Find to display the Find dialog.


In the Find field, type the number or text to search for.

If a numerical value is entered, the Tolerance field becomes available and you can enter a toler­ance value. Numeric values that are +/- the tolerance of the search value are considered to match the search value.

If text or text and numbers are entered in the Find field, then the Case Sensitive checkbox becomes available. Check the box to search for text that matches the capitalization of the search value.

In the Search Area, select the Entire Dataset, Column, or Current Selection option button to define the search range.

The Current Selection option button is only available if multiple cells are selected.

If the Column option button is selected, use the Column menu to select which column is searched.

In the Operation area, select one of the operator checkboxes to find values equal to, less than, greater than the search value.

Multiple checkboxes can be selected. Equals (=) is always the default selection. Users can select the following combinations:




equal to the search value


less than the search value


less than or equal to the search value


greater than the search value


greater than or equal to the search value


not equal to the search value

Sorting a worksheet

Worksheet columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order, and the sorted column position can be further ordered in the Sort Worksheet dialog.

Any worksheet, including imported datasets and the results of an analysis, such as a Final Parame­ters worksheet, can be sorted. Sorting a worksheet has two different effects, depending on the type of worksheet that is sorted.

Sorting a source worksheet, such as a dataset, creates a permanent change in the way the work­sheet is ordered. Sorting a dataset affects all operational objects that use that worksheet because they are marked as out of date. Source worksheets are sorted using a natural sort order.

Sorting a results worksheet only changes the order in which the data is displayed. If users want to make permanent changes to the way a results worksheet is sorted, then that worksheet can be copied to the Data folder or mapped to a Column Transformation object.

To sort a worksheet

Click the Sort Worksheet Sort_Worksheet_button.png button that is located above every worksheet.

Or select Edit > Sort Worksheet.


In the Sort Worksheet dialog, click the Sort Direction arrow beside a column name to select a sort direction. Sort direction options include Ascending (increasing) or Descending (decreasing).

Changing the sort direction changes the column order in the Sort Worksheet dialog, but does not change the sort order in the worksheet. Columns sorted by ascending order are listed first, col­umns sorted by descending order are listed second, and columns with no specified sort order are listed last.

Select a sorted column in the Sort Worksheet dialog and move it up or down by clicking the Up and Down arrow buttons.

If a column has no specified sort direction, then the column order cannot be changed in the Sort Worksheet dialog. The column order can still be changed in the Columns tab.

When finished, click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog, or click Apply to apply the changes and leave the dialog open.

Click Clear Sort to clear all specified sort orders.

Using Edit in Excel

If Microsoft Excel is installed users can edit worksheets and HTML tables in Excel and re-import the edited worksheet or table into Phoenix. Excel can be used to enter formulas into worksheets or change the formatting of HTML tables.

The following topics are discussed in this section:

Note:Copying and pasting from Phoenix to Excel might not retain the same number of digits or trailing zeros, since the tools could have different column formats. An alternative method is to send the data to a Table object and create a table with the specified number of decimals or significant fig­ures for each table column. Then right-click the Table and select Copy to Tables folder. Select the copied table in the Tables folder and right-click to select Edit in Excel, which will open the data in Excel with preserved formatting.

Editing a worksheet with Microsoft Excel

If a worksheet has no dependents, which means it is not mapped or connected to an operational object, and it is located in the Data folder, then it can be edited in Excel. In order to edit a Phoenix object's result worksheet in Excel, it first must be copied to the Data folder by right-clicking the work­sheet and selecting Copy to Data Folder.

Note:While a worksheet is being edited in Excel, it cannot be mapped to any operational object.

In addition to editing the data in a worksheet, users can edit the units associated with each column.

When the worksheet is open in Excel, it is stored in a temp directory located at C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\Phoenix. The temp directory’s name starts with PhxExcel_. The rest of the temp directory name is unique identifier such as 98a32ee3-49e8-44ae-b6b6-e55315ef27fb.

Because of the way Phoenix handles its interactions with Excel, users cannot use the Save As option in Excel to save the worksheet with a different name or to a different location. The Save option must be used.

Caution:If the worksheet name or file location is changed, the Excel edits cannot be imported into Phoenix.

Note:For worksheets edited in Excel, with formulas saved, if the Refresh from Source option in the edited right-click menu is used, the worksheet is empty. To get the data back, use the Edit in Excel option again, make a change to the dataset and then save the changes back to Phoenix, the worksheet will be restored.

Editing an HTML table in Microsoft Excel

The Table object in Phoenix creates tables in HTML format. To edit a table in Excel, it first must be copied to the Table folder by right-clicking the table output and selecting Copy to Tables Folder.

When the table is open in Excel, it is stored as a temp file which, by default, is located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\Phoenix.

Users must publish the table as a single HTML file to import it back into Phoenix. The following steps must be performed after the edits are done in Excel:

The HTML table in the Tables folder now contains the edits made in Excel.

Rules for editing worksheets and HTML tables in Excel:


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