PKS Browser

Most interactions with PKS occur through the PKS Browser. The PKS Browser displays a list of stud­ies in the system and their contents on the left. The table in the right panel allows sorting and search­ing of the studies. All of the study information on the left is available in the table on the right.

A study contains libraries, scenarios, and views. Selecting one of these “collection” nodes in the left panel will list the items in that collection in the right panel. Selecting one of the items in the list will dis­play the properties for that item in the right panel. Selecting the study itself provides an opportunity to edit some of the study properties and post them to the system. The Custom Attributes tab lists any custom attributes that are defined for a study through the PKS Web Interface. Selecting a particular scenario displays several tabs of information: properties, custom attributes, dependencies (such as a study view, other scenario object, or global library), list of objects that are saved within the scenario.

The contents displayed in the PKS Browser are limited by the logged in user's security permissions and by any applied filters.

The PKS Browser also has a toolbar that allows users to perform several common PKS functions, including: switching between library and study views, refreshing the browser contents, setting display options, filtering PKS contents, toggling study and object property displays, creating new scenarios, study views, and new study object, and editing, appending, and updating study data.


The PKS Browser includes the following capabilities:

Viewing the Global Library

Refreshing the browser view

Displaying options

Filtering based on properties

Viewing Study and Study Object properties

Creating a Scenario

Creating a Study View

Loading existing scenarios/creating new scenario versions

Creating a new Study Library object

Editing study data

Appending data

Viewing the Global Library

The PKS Global Library can be used to store documents, models, scripts, images, and other binary files that can be re-used across many projects or analyses. The PKS Browser can be toggled back and forth between viewing the Global Library contents and viewing the Study menu tree.


Refreshing the browser view

PKS contents can change as a result of actions from other users. The changes might not be immedi­ately reflected in the PKS Browser.

Displaying options

In the PKS Browser, the studies are listed in alphabetical order by default. They can also be grouped by indication, project, portfolio, compound and type.


Click the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

Select the Display latest scenarios first checkbox (displays the scenarios in reverse order of derivation).

Select the Display all uniquely named scenarios first checkbox (displays all uniquely named scenarios at the root level).
This option can be useful when multiple branches of a scenario, such as a new version with a different name, exist.


Filtering based on properties

Filter criteria can be created based on the properties of a study, scenario, or Global Library objects. Filter specifications can be saved and reused, and a filter specification can be set as the default filter.




Click Clear to clear all criteria from the Current Criteria field.

Select a criteria and click Remove to remove the selected criteria from Current Criteria field.

Click Save to save the filter criteria as an .xml file.

Click Load to load a saved filter criteria file.

Select the Set as default filter checkbox before saving the filter to set the filter as the default.

The default filter can be loaded by clicking Load Default Filter.

To clear the default filter, click Clear to clear all filter criteria. Select the Set as default filter checkbox and click OK.

To remove a filter applied to the PKS Browser, click clear_filter_button_1.png in the PKS Browser toolbar.

Viewing Study and Study Object properties

The PKS Browser allows users to view and modify the current study and scenario properties.

Creating a Scenario

Each PKS Scenario is treated as a Phoenix project. Scenarios can be created containing dependen­cies on multiple PKS objects stored in the parent study, or in other studies or scenarios, or in the Global Library.

If a study only contains study library objects, those objects can be loaded directly into a project. How­ever, if data is mapped to PKS data structures, then a study view must be generated before creating a scenario. When the new scenario is created, the data can be analyzed, modified and then saved to the PKS as a scenario for the selected study.


Check the checkbox beside an object to include the object in the new scenario.

Select as many objects as needed to create the new scenario.

See “PKS Save and Save As options” for instructions on saving the scenario to the PKS.

Creating a Study View

Study views define how to extract data from the PKS. Most commonly, views are specified to extract a subset of data (columns or rows) from the currently selected study. More complex views can be cre­ated to extract subsets of data from multiple studies.

Study views provide critical information necessary to reproduce datasets as they exist over time, and they provide for more granular status tracking of dependent analyses.


Select a column in the Available list and click Add to move the column to the Selected list for inclusion in the study view.
(Click Remove to move the column back to the Available list).

Select a column in the Selected list and click Move Up and Move Down.

Click Advanced/Add Studies, which displays the Advanced Study View dialog.


Click Add Study to open the PKS Browser.

Select a checkbox beside one or more studies and click Select to add them to the study view.

The new study information in displayed in the Advanced Study View dialog.

Depending on how the data source associated with a study is mapped, users can make changes to columns mapped to four areas: Subject Identifiers, Subject Demographics, Data Collection Point, and Observations.

Use the menus in the Subject Identifiers, Subject Demographics, and Observations sections to change column mappings.

Enter a new result name in the Result Name field or accept the default name.

If a column has an associated unit, convert it by entering a conversion unit in the Convert to Unit field.

Enter a new significant digit value in the Significant Digits field or accept the default value.

In the Data Collection Point section, users can modify the nominal and relative time units, or leave the default settings.

Click OK to close the Advanced Study View dialog.


Select a field in the Fields list.

In the Operator menu, select boolean operator to specify the criteria.

In the Criteria field, enter a filter criteria for the selected field.


Click Distinct Values to display all distinct values in the selected field.

Select a value and click Select to add the value to the Criteria field.

Click Add Criteria to add the filter criteria to the Current Criteria list.

Select a field and click Describe to open the Data Description window.

Click OK to close the Data Description window.

Click Clear to remove ALL of the filter criteria in the Current Criteria list.

Select a filter criteria and click Remove to remove only that criteria from the Current Criteria list.

Loading existing scenarios/creating new scenario versions

Creating a new Study Library object

PKS supports storage and version history of objects, such as files or binary objects, at the study level. These objects can include documents, scripts, rule sets, or other files useful for the reporting or anal­ysis of study data.


To load a file from a disk:

To load an object from an opened project or projects:

To create a new version of an existing study library object:

In the PKS Browser, the updated version is listed beneath the previous version.

Editing study data


In the Load Study Data dialog, accept the default study data columns in the Selected field.


Select a column in the Available list and click Add to move the column to the Selected list.

Remove a column from the selected list by selecting it and clicking Remove.

Change the column order in the Selected list by selecting a column and clicking the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

To specify a filter to return desired subset of data, click Specify Filter to add a filter.


Edit or insert values as needed.

Appending data

Data can only be appended to a study that already has been added to the PKS.


If the there are multiple worksheets, select the one to use as the source for creating the study.
If the selected data source is a workbook/worksheet, the File Import Wizard is displayed.
If a data source from a project is selected, the Select Object dialog is displayed.

Select a worksheet in the Select Object dialog and click Select to add the worksheet as a data source.

The additional study data is incorporated into the first project.


Last modified date:6/26/19
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