Saving updated projects to Integral

The Integral Save and Save As options are enabled when an item or savepoint is loaded from Integral into the Object Browser. These options are in the Integral menu or on the right-click menu for a project in the Object Browser as Save to Integral and Save As to Integral.

Using the Save option for a project creates a savepoint folder containing the Phoenix project in Integral. A savepoint is a snapshot of the project as it currently exists. At any point in the future, you can take the project back to a prior state by loading the corresponding savepoint.

Note:    If the Phoenix project was generated using the Add Savepoint option in Integral (available on the savepoint container menu), no savepoint will be generated upon the initial save operation. The Add Savepoint option does not register the new Phoenix project in Integral, it simply creates the project in Phoenix. Therefore, the project file is not yet associated with any savepoint container or Integral project. You must save the new project to Integral, then any subsequent saving operations will result in savepoints to which the project file is saved.

Once you load a project from Integral into Phoenix, create a savepoint before making any changes. You can then easily return to the starting point as needed. If you try to create a savepoint after making changes to the project, you are warned about the changes and asked to choose to either save the changes as a new savepoint (Save As) or discard the changes and load the latest saved version from Integral (Get Latest).

Selecting either Save or Save As takes you to the Settings dialog, where you can make the necessary modifications before saving to Integral. See “Defining the settings for a savepoint project”.

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