Calculate AIC/BIC

Pirana can calculate the Akaike Information Criterion and the Bayesian Information Criterion. These criteria are defined as follows:

AIC = 2 · k − 2 · ln(L)


BIC = −2 · ln(L)+ k · ln(n)



k = the number of parameters in the model,

L = the maximized value of the likelihood function, and

n = the number of observations in the dataset used in fitting the model.

The calculation of these criteria is, however, not so straightforward for non-linear mixed-effects mod­els, and the weights/penalties applied to parts of the equation can be different in different circum­stances. Pirana allows the penalties to be changed when it calculates the AIC/BIC.

  1. Select the model in the list.

  2. Click icon_calcaicbicl.png.
    Right-click the selected model and choose Model > Comput AIC & BIC from the menu.

  3. ComputeAICBIC.png 

  4. Adjust the weightings and penalties for the various parts of the calculation as needed by typing directly in each field.

  5. Click Compute AIC/BIC.

Some references to AIC and BIC literature are listed below.

Vaida and Blanchard (2005). Conditional Akaike information for mixed-effects models. Biometrika 92(2): 351-370.

Liang, et al (2008). A note on conditional aic for linear mixed-effects models. Biometrika 95(3): 773-778.

Hodges and Sargent (2001). Counting degrees of freedom in hierarchical and other richly-parameterized models. Biometrika 88(2): 367-379.

Donohue et al. (2011). Conditional Akaike information under generalized linear and proportional hazards mixed models. Biometrika 98(3): 685-700.

Delattre et al. BIC selection procedures in mixed effects models

Last modified date:12/17/20
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