Click Controls to expand (or contract) the parameter list.
Use the switch to toggle between Binless and Binning VPC.
If Binless is selected:
– Check the Optimize (AIC) box and enter the Lower and Upper values to define the optimization interval range (use the up/down arrows to adjust the values).
– Uncheck the Optimize (AIC) box and type the values to use as the Lambda Upper, Lambda Median, and Lambda Lower Quantiles.
If Binning is selected, select the method of binning to use from the Binning Type menu. Choices include: x-variable (every unique x-axis value is treated as its own bin), ntile, pam, sd, equal, pretty, quantile, kmeans, jenks, centers, breaks, headtails, box, and maximum.
– For all methods (except centers and breaks), type the number of bins in the N Bins field.
– For centers, enter a series of X values to use as the center values for each bin in the Centers field.
– For breaks, enter a series of X values breaks between the bins in the Breaks field.
Details about the different binning methods is available in R documentation.
Press the PLOT button to start the parameterization.
Plot interaction, customization, and descriptions of the TAGGED and REPORT tabs can be found in the “Model Results” section.