
Prior to using Darwin searches in Pirana, there are some installation and verification steps that need to be completed.

Install Python 3.10

Got to the website and select Downloads.

From the table of specific releases, select the latest Release Version of Python 3.10.

Scroll to the bottom of the information page and click Windows installer (64-bit) to launch the installer.

On the first screen of the installer, check the Add python.exe to PATH box.

Note the default installation location is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs.

Click Install Now.

On the “Setup was successful” screen, press the Close button.

Verify that Python was correctly installed and configured in the PATH

Use the search field in the taskbar to look for the list of environment variables in your account.

In the Environment Variables dialog, double-click Path in the “User variables” list.

Confirm that Python 3.10 is listed in the Edit environment variable dialog.

Look for …\Python\Python310\Scripts\ and …\Python\Python310\.

Press OK and then Cancel to close the two dialogs.

Launch a Command Prompt window and enter the python -V command.

It should return Python followed by the version number you just installed.

Install jsonlite

Darwin search functionality in Pirana requires an additional R dependency in jsonlite.

Before running a Darwin search, ensure that the jsonlite package has been installed in the R library using the command in R/RStudio:


pyDarwin installation

Create an empty folder, called venv (virtual environment), in which to install pyDarwin.

Best practices is to place the new folder in \Documents or at least a level above your project.

In Pirana, select File > Settings.

Select Darwin in the left list.

Click icon_download to download pyDarwin from the pip repository.

In the file browser, navigate to and select the venv folder created earlier.

Creates a virtual environment inside the empty folder by copying the installed version of Python and creates a self-contained library for all Python packages and dependencies installed with pyDarwin. This allows the version of Python and dependencies used in one project to be insulated from Python versions and dependencies used in other projects. The virtual environment only needs to be set up once, when installing pyDarwin.

Once installation completes, close the text window.

The path to the Python executable in the virtual environment folder is displayed in the Python interpreter for local searches field. The venv folder created earlier is now populated, with pyDarwin being located in the …venv/Lib/site-packages subfolder.

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