Extensions integration settings
Most of the extensions settings are not necessary to define in order to work with Pirana. Many of the program locations are only used to create easy links to the software from within Pirana.
The following are important to set correctly in order to work with Pirana easily:
R location: Pirana uses R and Xpose4 to generate graphs.
Location of R GUI (if available).
Spreadsheet location (i.e., Excel, Numeric, etc.): Enables viewing of CSV files.
Code/text editor: This editor is used to edit models or scripts.
PDF file viewer: Enables viewing of the many graphics that are created as PDF files.
Select File > Settings.
Select Software Integration in the left list.
Enter the path to the appropriate executable or configuration file for the extension.
Click the to navigate and select the file.
For R location, enter the path to the R installation folder.
Click the to navigate and select the folder.
For TTY to cluster, enter the path to the executable and the email address to send the result to.
Click to navigate and select the executable.