System requirements

Pirana is a modeling workbench that is supported on Windows and Linux operating systems. Extended Pirana modeling capabilities have additional software requirements given modeling software, e.g., NONMEM, RsNLME.

Operating Systems 

Pirana 23.1.1 is compatible with the following operating systems:

–    Windows 8 (64 bit)

–    Windows 10 (64 bit)

–    CentOS/RHEL7

–    CentOS/RHEL8

–    Ubuntu 18+

For direct access or for access via a desktop with a terminal server application, Pirana is compatible with the following server operating system versions.

–    Windows Server 2016

–    Windows Server 2019

Compatible Certara and third-party software 

Pirana is compatible with the following software applications

–    RsNLME 1.1

–    NONMEM 7.2, 7.3

–    PsN >= 4.8.0

–    R >= 4.02

Note:    Pirana-RsNLME is only available for Windows 64-bit systems (Windows 8/10, Windows Server) and CentOS/RHEL7.

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