Below are some answers to commonly asked questions.
Why the name Pirana?
An acronym for: Pirana is a Resourceful Assistant in NONMEM Analysis.
In Pirana’s model overview table, I see some models but no results.
Check if you have the extensions set correctly in preferences (e.g., .mod/.lst for model/results files).
Where does Pirana store the notes I make in the model overview?
Pirana stores your notes in a database-file (pirana.dir) in the current folder. So, if you would install a new version of Pirana, or move your model folder to another place, your notes will not be lost. The database file contains also some other information about the run results (OFV, run success, etc.) and can of course be read out manually as well, using sqlite3.
I would like to cite Pirana in a report or article.
Cite as: Pirana x.x Certara USA, Inc., Overlook Center, Suite 101, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA, where x.x is the version number of Pirana.
Pirana will not launch after a setting was changed. What can I do?
Try one of the following. Be aware that either of these options will reset everything to original default settings, so all custom settings will be lost.
– From the command-line, use the “-refresh” option. This clears Pirana settings upon startup.
– Delete the *.db file in the .pirana directory.