In the Preferences dialog, select Watson Import > Server Configuration.
Define the Oracle connection:
Name or IP address of the Oracle Server (Host).
Port of the Oracle Server (Oracle’s default port number is 1521).
Oracle database identifier (DB SID) or the Service Name.
Supply the Oracle account information:
Name of the Oracle database account (Service Account) to use.
This account needs to be in the same Oracle database as the Watson schema and must have select privileges on all tables in the Watson Account schema.
Password for the account (Service Account PW).
Name of the Watson schema (Watson Account).
The Watson LIMS plug-in uses this to select data from the Watson schema (e.g., select * from This is usually set to watson.
The License Information area lists copyright and specific licensing information.
Save the configuration settings for later re-use by pressing Save To File.
To use a saved configuration file, press Load From File.
Press Apply Changes to accept all changes made in the dialog without closing it.
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