The Omega output worksheet contains h shrinkage data. It is based on the standard deviation definition:
where SD(j) is the empirical standard deviation of the jth
over all NSUB subjects, and wj,j is the estimate of the population variance of the jth random effect, j = 1,2,…, N
For all population engines other than QRPEM, the numerical j value used in the shrinkage computation is the mode (maximum) of the empirical Bayesian posterior distribution of the random effects
j, evaluated at the final parameter estimates of the fixed and random effects. For QRPEM, the
j value is the mean of the empirical Bayesian distribution.
Note that another common way to define the -shrinkage is through the variance, and is given by
where Var(j) is the empirical variance of the jth
over all NSUB subjects. By the two previous equations, one can see that standard deviation-based
-shrinkage can be computed from variance-based
-shrinkage, and vice versa. For example, if one has Shrinkage_Varj, then Shrinkage_SDj can be calculated as:
The Eta output worksheet contains the individual shrinkage, which is calculated as follows:
where i = 1, 2, …, NSUB and j = 1, 2, …, N. Here,
_SEi,j denotes the standard error of the jth individual parameter estimator for the ith subject. For all population engines other than QRPEM,
_SEi,j is calculated as the square root of the (j, j)th element of the inverse of the negative Hessian (second derivative matrix) of the empirical Bayesian posterior distribution for the ith subject. While, for the QRPEM engine, they are computed via the importance sampling of the empirical Bayesian posterior distribution.
The formula used to calculate Shrink_Sub_Var (the previous equation) is extended from the 1-1 relation between the population shrinkage and standard error of individual parameter estimator conjectured in Xu, et al., AAPS J., (2012) pp. 927-936. This relationship can be intuitively observed from the following important theoretical relationship obtained for the EM algorithm.
From which, one can see that the commonly used variance-based population shrinkage becomes
Note that population shrinkage calculated using the above formula is also reported in bluptable.dat (after the individual shrinkages for each h) and is denoted as shrinkageebd_var (see the highlighted text in yellow in the image below). From these results, we can see that the value of shrinkageebd_var is similar to the one for Shrinkage_Var.
In bluptable.dat, Shrink_Sub_SD is calculated by using the following formula
This relationship between Shrink_Sub_SD and Shrink_Sub_Var is an analog of the relationship shown in the earlier Shrinkage_SD equation.
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