Setting up preferences

The Phoenix Preferences dialog, offers global preference settings for using external software. Some third-party tool objects require certain global settings to be specified prior to use. Other optional settings enable editing of scripts in external programs from within Phoenix or to streamline the workflow by automatically filling in or setting options in the object’s UI with information entered in the Preferences dialog.

Set up access to the external program

Select Edit > Preferences.

In the Preferences dialog, select the object in the menu tree.

Enter the path to the executable in the first field or use Browse to select the file/directory.

Press Test to make sure the correct file is selected.

Note:    If JPS is run as a Windows Service, installation of SAS must be local to the JPS.

If JPS is run as a Console application, the path to the SAS executable may be a Networked location not local to the JPS.

Specify a development environment

When the development environment is defined in the preference page, that environment becomes accessible from the SAS Shell object’s Options tab with the Start button. This allows editing of scripts in other specified environments, and then pulls the updated scripts back into Phoenix. The scripts can then be executed from Phoenix and the output processed through the normal Phoenix workflow.

In the Command field, enter the directory path to the executable or use Browse to select the file.

In the Arguments field, enter any arguments/keywords to use when starting up the environment.

Note:    Proper development environment setup for Tinn-R requires that $WorkDir\$File be entered in the Arguments field.

Define a default output location

Setting the output folder in the Preferences dialog eliminates the need to enter the information in the Options tab for each run. The fields will automatically be filled with the paths entered here.

Enter the directory path in the Default Output Folder field or use Browse.

Note:    If a default output location is specified, ensure that you have write access.

Check the Create a unique subfolder for each run box to generate and then store the output from each run in a new subfolder of the output folder.

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