Contextual footnotes may be added to Table items to clarify abbreviations that appear as cell values in the table. The footnote will be added only if the specified abbreviation is found within the generated table.
To create a contextual footnote:
Click next to the item in the lower list.
In the Footer tab, click (Add Footnote icon).
In the Contextual Footnote dialog, enter the text to search for in the Abbreviation field.
Use the Match entire cell contents checkbox to toggle between performing an exact match or partial match search for the abbreviation.
In the Footnote Text field, type the text to display as a footnote below the table if the abbreviation is found.
Press Save to add the contextual footnote information to the Footer tab.
In the Footer tab, Use the checkboxes in the Contextual Footnote list to indicate the abbreviations to search for within the selected Table item.
When the Reporter object is executed, the tables will be checked for the presence of the identified abbreviations. If present, the footnote text will be added below the table. If the abbreviation is not present, the footnote will not be added.
To edit a footnote:
Select it in the Contextual Footnotes list.
Click (Edit Footnote icon).
Make the desired changes in the Contextual Footnotes dialog and press Save.
To delete a footnote:
Select it in the Contextual Footnotes list.
Click X in the toolbar.
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