Each RPS processing server should contain only one RPS processor installation but each processor installation can be configured to process multiple jobs concurrently. RPS processors can be installed on any number of servers, and each processor can be configured to process different job types. For instance, there could be one server that only processes R jobs, one server that only processes NONMEM jobs, and yet another server that processes R, NONMEM and SAS jobs. The queue will only send a processor jobs of types that it is configured to process.
Install a processor
Copy PhoenixJobProcessor.zip to the machine that will perform the execution.
The executing machine must be able to ping the machine where the RPS Queue is installed.
Create a new folder where the RPS processor will be installed.
Unzip PhoenixJobProcessor.zip into the new installation folder.
Modify the serverConfig.xml file as needed (see “Processor configuration”).
After saving changes to serverConfig.xml start the RPS by opening a command window, navigating to the installation folder, and typing the following:
java –jar PhoenixJobProcessor.jar
See “Windows Service Notes” and “Linux Daemon Notes” for some platform-specific information.
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